
Chief Architect
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Posts posted by KirkClemons

  1. You say it's just floor 0 but from the screenshot, it looks like you are exporting a full overview.


    I would hide all the layers you don't want to export and try again. The Export 3D Model option exports every displayed surface from the camera view.

    Maybe open a Floor Overview and go to Floor 0 and export.

  2. Kbird1, The more references the better. :D  


    I tend to make textures the way most gamers do, very flat, no lighting or shading whatsoever. This is because the game's rendering engine usually adds specularity to surfaces and renders things that are supposed to be glossy or shiny. Chief doesn't do that unless you ray trace so flat textures tend to look colorless or bland, especially when dealing with metals.


    The other side is that our ray tracer removes the texture if you set a material to be a 'Predefined Metal' which is why all of our current metals are just a solid color with no texture.


    All that to say, any references that you or any users reading this thread can attach, provided that they are textures you have been happy with, are more than welcome!

  3. I believe the core issue is that we don't render 'shiny' materials in a standard render view.

    We've looked into creating some textures but to make them seamless the steel looks kind of funny.


    Also, because we can Ray Trace a material and make it look photo realistic the priority just hasn't been there.

    I'll post some graphics to this thread if I get a chance to come up with any decent textures to use for metal.

    Taking the textures that David J Potter has posted as a reference should help determine what type of texturing users are most likely to like.

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, I agree with all these. But I was referring specifically to Jared's initial request to convert the decimal output to mixed fraction. Which I'm hoping he was able to find a solution for based on Joe's and my input.

    As to all these other requests, maybe a new thread could be started under the suggestions forum to discuss how each of these could be implemented in a useful way.

  5. Kirk, is this kind of thing coming to X7 soon? Just a hint will do.

    Last year Joe did all this hard work on layout sheet index's and it came out in X6.

    I don't think so. I've not encountered this until now so Jared's request in the suggestions forum may be the first request made so far.

  6. To make it easier to reuse maybe just use a generic variable name in place of h_depth.


    Here's a more generic example of the same script:


    value = owner.width
    value = value.to_r
    value #=> (1/12)
    whole_num = value.numerator / value.denominator
    fraction = ((value.numerator % value.denominator) / value.denominator.to_f).to_r
    whole_num = whole_num.to_s
    fraction = fraction.to_s
    if fraction == "0/1"
    whole_num = whole_num << '"'
    result = whole_num
    whole_num = whole_num << ' '
    fraction = fraction << '"'
    result = whole_num + fraction
  7. Here's my approach:

    h_depth = referenced.header_depth
    h_depth = h_depth.to_r
    h_depth #=> (1/12)
    whole_num = h_depth.numerator / h_depth.denominator
    fraction = ((h_depth.numerator % h_depth.denominator) / h_depth.denominator.to_f).to_r
    whole_num = whole_num.to_s
    fraction = fraction.to_s
    if fraction == "0/1"
    whole_num = whole_num << '"'
    result = whole_num
    whole_num = whole_num << ' '
    fraction = fraction << '"'
    result = whole_num + fraction

    Replace h_depth with any variable name you want for the header thickness and obviously replace referenced.header_depth with referenced.header_thickness or any other attribute you want to find.


    You could also change referenced to owner to evaluate the owner object if needed.

  8. This looks more like a display glitch that sometimes occurs on older systems.

    You can tell because the duplicate image is also happening to the Preferneces window.


    Maximizing to force the window to refresh is about the only fix that you have available for this type of thing.

  9. My user library also disappeared after upgrading to X6. Any advice?


    Was the User Catalog ever there after upgrading? Also, did you have anything in the User Catalog in your previous version? For the User Catalog to contain anything on a new install you would need to migrate the older catalog over if there is anything to migrate. Otherwise make sure that the filter is not turned on. If you need help migrating you can PM me or contact support. You can also review the migration guide in your digital locker.


    If you have migrated and the catalog is still empty, contact me at the tech line and we can troubleshoot why it's showing up empty.