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About 3D_Russ

  • Birthday 04/28/1964

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  1. Any ideas on what's going on with this ceiling? I can't load the plan because it's too large (14mb limit!!!!! ), so I don't know how you're supposed to help me out. The ceiling heights are to defaults and all show the same height. I do not have an added ceiling plane. Why doesn't the ceiling go all the way to the walls? I have put up with more glitches in Chief the last year than I have in all my lifetime with Chief. What is going on? Is it my computer or are there others out there that are having more issues? I suppose I'll need to do a support ticket.....
  2. I have used CA since it's infancy and know it quite well except for using custom macros. The last several releases have sure had nice new features, BUT, I have been so disappointed that so many requests for fixes and improvements have not been made. A few, yes. But as I have followed the forums for years, many of the same things that get good support are not included in the new releases. I'm tired of that, plus the many quirks and work-arounds that you have to know on a daily basis. Some of you are making part of your living on training us to use the program as well as some work-arounds. And I appreciate that. So in my dissatifaction, I looked into SoftPlan, and I'm in a big learning curve!! But I will say this, the latest couple of releases are really sweet. Half the requests I see on the CA forums, SP handles with ease. My take on CA is that it is too automated for complex designs. SP has an entirely different approach and is much more flexable and is somewhere in between Revit and CA. I know I'm getting in over my head with that statement. But I love what I'm seeing so far. Where some things are not as automated, they make up for speed in many neat tool bars and tool tricks that I wish CA would incorporate. And yes, in SP you design like you build. You have complete control over wall heights and such like. The other day I did a support with CA because I had a floor system with the joists suspended halfway into the basement - like 10" out and 8" in. Well, support told me that CA does not have that capability. REALLY? So another work-around. SP handles that with ease. Everytime you do a work-around, you may or may not have accurite material lists. And that's a whole topic in itself. SP leaves CA completely in the dust on that one. There are pros and cons to every program out there. But CA needs to make some major improvements in features that have been requested for the last 8 years. I don't want to learn a new program but until CA get's some much-needed features fixed and added (like sloped garage floors, etc), I'll be using something else. Chief has a good program that is easy to learn and does a lot of good design. Russ
  3. What's the proper format for X15? I loved this formula and it doesn't work now. Thank you
  4. These are all awesome tips. Thank you!
  5. How can I rotate my house in Orthographic view while in paint mode WITHOUT getting out of paint mode? I saw once how it was done but I cannot figure it out now, I forgot. Thank you, Russ
  6. Thank you for the search tip. And otherwise I'm talking about the User Catalog - I didn't make that clear. I used to be able to drag and drop and rearrange items in the User Catalog. Now I can't do a thing with it.
  7. I'm sorry, but I hate the changes that were made to the library browser in X15. The folder system - it's all so difficult for me to navigate and find items. When I want change the material for an object in my plan, I'll do a search like I used to, and will not pull up the material I'm looking for. Like "Color - White". I still have to hunt and scroll down a list of none relevant materials til - "there it is"!! Hide and seek game, you know!! And in the library folder panel, how in tarnation am I supposed to rearange existing library objects and/or move them to a different folder??? It won't let me drag and drop! Please tell me there's and easy tip that I'm overlooking and I'll eat my humble pie. Thanks.
  8. This has been very helpful - yes, that's what I was looking for. Thank you I have X15 installed but scared to start a new house plan on it before some more bugs get worked out. But I'm excited about the new features. Russ
  9. Your drawings are cool - that's what I wanted. But I guess I'm too dense. I cannot find the setting in X14 for the railing offset.
  10. Sorry Brad, I think I hijacked your original post about the conflicts. My post was a bit different. I am with you on those exact conflicts as well. Russ
  11. YES PLEASE!! I face this on every house I draw. Porch slabs around here almost always overhang the foundation walls by 1.5", and are poured on TOP of the porch walls AND are sloped. When there are large stone pillars for porch posts, then I oversize the foundation walls below to make a larger slab up above, but still the porch cap itself overhangs the walls approx 1.5". Thank you Chief for watching these suggestions. Russ PS The porch step railing has been talked about - I believe. Wish I could offset the railing as well as the post.