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Everything posted by DefinedDesign

  1. Thanks @Chopsaw and @SusanC both these solved the problem! Many thanks to both of you!!!
  2. Thanks so much, unfortunately I don't have Display under Appearance. I wonder if this a Mac issue?
  3. Hi there! Could you kindly help me out with something? I have a page layout with a 1/8=1' scale floor plan, an imported image, and some Rich Text. However, when I export the page to Chief Architect Save As PDF, I can't seem to find the option to make the image color. Do you happen to know how I can do this? I would really appreciate your support. Thanks a lot!
  4. Is there a round to round the corners of an image while in layout using X12?
  5. Wow, thank you so much for sharing this video with me! I just finished watching it once, and now I'm going to go back and follow your instructions step by step. It usually takes me a little longer to process things than most people, but I'm excited to see what happens once I've gone through everything. I really appreciate your help, and I'll definitely report back to you once I've had a chance to try everything out. Thanks again!
  6. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective! I completely agree that software can be imperfect, we often have to make do with the tools we have, and we don't always need to spend hours fixing something that may not even be noticeable in the end. However, when I see CA videos of complicated designs with seemingly no issues, I think that I should be able to do the same. Personally, I love a challenge when it comes to solving a problem, and I approach things in a similar way to Edison and Einstein. I believe that there must be a solution and that the time and effort I put into finding it is worth it in the end. Even if I'm the only one who benefits from it, I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that I can use the software more effectively going forward. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate you!
  7. Well, this is such a difficult thing to overcome. It's important for me to understand why this is happening so I won't repeat the error. It's also important that Chief generates everything correctly without me drawing in something to cover up the error, so the materials to calculate correctly. To spend so much money on this software and spend days working on this by watching all the CA Tutorials, reading all the KB articles, Posting in ChiefTalk. It's a tad frustrating to not figure this out. Admittedly, I won't surrender until I it's fixed.
  8. Mick, I appreciate your help, - a tutorial on how to purge materials would be awesome. I think the issue is with the dividing wall between the rooms being inside the house and over the deck - I have not found any tutorials on how to accomplish this. I also think my Macbook does the best it can but it's always had issues with Chief Architect - always since 2013. Since the Macbook works great with all the other software I put on it, I can only conclude it doesn't get along with Chief Architect software very well - it's much better than it used to be. I will reach out to the help desk and see if they can help me troubleshoot. Very grateful for you and your kindness in helping me get this far!
  9. Followed the link and read the pdf my brain did not read an answer as to how to set the Materials back to the defaults. A couple hours of searching and I discovered: >In plan view open up the wall dialog >go to materials >In the component box select the exterior wall surface >Now hit the 'Select Material' button to the right >In the Select Material dialogue check the box to 'Use default material' and select OK > After doing this for all the exterior walls I still had that little triangle piece showing up as drywall. I split the wall into a 6" exterior and a 6" interior which took care of the issue on the outside, everything looks great. However, the inside is a mess. When I try to make changes to the wall I get this new error message: Here are the two rooms that the manual dormer is over:
  10. Apologies in advanced for my ignorance but how would I set the Materials back to default?
  11. Zipped Plan File - Put the zip file into Dropbox and copied the link.
  12. Zipped Plan File - Put the zip file into Dropbox and copied the link.
  13. Thanks Mick - unfortunately if I try to pull it across manually, the wall completely disappears.
  14. @Chopsaw I don't have any cloud accounts that will hold a file that large. The zipped file does have all the interior gutted.
  15. Would welcome any insight on what I'm doing incorrectly. I manually drew this dormer because Auto Dormer would not work - I got all the standard CA error messages with Auto Dormers. Many many hours into this and it's almost there, but not... (Please advise how I can attach the plan, ChiefTalk gives me a message it will only load 14 MB, my zipped plan is 22.3 MB)
  16. I might be too late for this, came across this while searching for a resolution I'm having with stair moulding. I think this video would be helpful to you. I'm not certain which version of CA they are demonstrating with in the video, but it's easy to understand. Stair Wall Options: Partial Railing, Wall under Stairs, Stairwell
  17. Many thanks! That corrected the issue! So appreciate you! For any new Chief users who run into this issue, here are the steps to correct: >Select the interior wall that is against your foundation wall >Open the Wall Specification >Select Structure >In the Double Wall Section Select Furred wall >Do this for each wall that is against your foundation wall.
  18. Unable to remove this second room label. If I delete it, it comes back. I've tried removing all the walls and adding the walls back in and as soon as I assign a room type I get two labels. Always grateful for any insight and support.
  19. Please do post, I would find very helpful to see what your Macbook Pro can do.
  20. Thank you for your response - you're always so kind to provide feedback. I thought I would share a video showing the issue. In addition to what is shown here in the video I also tried to place the lights on the basement level and run into the same issue, the lights show on the main level 3D rendering levitating over the stairs. I'm not certain how to make them attach to the ceiling. CA Adding Lights Under Stairs Issues
  21. Any suggestions on how to get recessed downlights on the main level stairs going to the basement to follow the ceiling being made by the stairs above?
  22. I ungrouped everything with the table and chairs and then grouped the table and chairs and the table stayed on top. I appreciate your help. Still don't understand why it would not work with some of chairs grouped. I am very grateful for your help in troubleshooting this issue.
  23. Thanks unfortunately selecting the drawing group doesn’t work for the copied group of chairs. I was able to get the table in front of all the other single and grouped chairs just not the copied group. Restarted my computer, ungrouped all the copied group chairs and it still doesn’t work. I must be missing something.
  24. When I select the View Draw Order Edit button the tools are not populating as it shows in this video. I'm using X8. I created a table and added two end chairs and then added a group of three side chairs, copied the side chair group, reflected about the table. Unfortunately unlike all the other chairs the copied group of chairs I can't get to show under the table in plan view. After watching the above video I realized in x8 I've never seen this group of tools populate when selecting the View Draw Order Edit button giving me other options. Grateful for your support.