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About GParker

  • Birthday 04/15/1966

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    Tiverton RI

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  1. I cannot figure why the lower portion of my wall will not complete with exterior wall please see attached near the lower door but the second floor does. I made the outside exterior wall invisible on both.
  2. I solved most of my problems, but now have these tail ends of the rafters coming out from under the soffit....Any Ideas my friends.... Thanks in advance.
  3. So I have one more question . Why aren't my ceiling joists lining up with my rafters. I am getting back in to this sorry friends. Thank you my chief architect friend both comments helped
  4. Thank you my chief architect friend both comments helped
  5. Hi All I used to have x15 but upgraded to X16. Does anyone understand why two side wont show the rim boards to the outside wall? Thanks Garrett
  6. GParker


    Sorry I had a signature I need to update. HP is my computer, Z book
  7. GParker


    Chief architect X15 HP Looks like something wrong with the niche but cannot understand i.
  8. GParker


    why is the section of wall showing through the niche on the right