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  1. Did you draw your foundation walls on the basement level ?
  2. As Rene said, Its very hard to model a door which will change the number of reeds when the size is changed. The best way is to make the frame and use a bump or a normal map to create the reed lines for the middle part. Because the material will get tiled when the door is stretched.
  3. Working on LODs too, for low spec PCs.
  4. I think the lowest is 2.4k Tris and highest is 14K Tris.
  5. I guess in your material. Try turning on the metallic and change the material color to white.
  6. I don't know which version you are using. So here is how you can make something similar. 1.Find this tile in the library. 2. Apply it on the wall and edit the material. 3. Remove the texture. 4. Go to properties - Turn on Metallic, remove the roughness map and change the roughness value to 0. 5. Now go to the texture tab and change this color to pure white. 6. Hit ok boom you got the material. 7. You can change the size of the diamonds from here. Don't forget to check out my 20 high quality wall lights pack for Chief Architect at fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZhLwUR4bMVy1Q9mUR9wHhKa5qkRm_Hy_5lsY8Mdindc9vpPFS8Sn1vsDY_aem_eSd05iL1Rjph2_Pk5ULx2Q
  7. Hey Jane, I checked the model. The sizes were all over the place. I used blender to change the size. But you can import the object into chief and make it smaller. Place it on the floor in your scene and add that model to you library. It should work. Make sure you generate the 2d block and move the sink down in the 3d tab so its not floating above the counter. The sink model itself is very heavy, its not optimized for Chief Architect.
  8. I don't think Chief Architect have the feature you're looking for directly, you’ll need to use a workaround or manually create the necessary elements using CAD. Some solutions are suggested in this very old thread.
  9. Hello Everyone, I have created 20 very high quality wall lights for Chief Architect with a lot of material options. Please check out my pack at the link below. I'm attaching some preview images below. It has libraries for everyone from X12 to X16 Link - Warm Regards, Arman Chahal, (please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or problems with the product) Previews, (Previews are compressed to upload here) Preview of all 20 Lights_compressed.pdf
  10. I have had problems with importing .obj files into chief architect. If you try to import .obj with one or many textures. It will be broken into triangles when you import it into Chief with only one material. Its been a long time, I have never imported obj, or any other file format into Chief except DAE. Solution: This is the best way I have found so far. 1.Download Blender its free. 2. Import your obj into blender. 3. Setup Different materials for different parts. 4. Export a DAE file from blender. Boom no errors, no broken models plus you get all the materials. If it does not solve your problem or you question, hit me up at I'll be happy to help. Try my 20 high quality wall lights pack for Chief Architect at Tip: Download Blender kit addon and you can use all the free models available.
  11. You can try my lights pack at the link below. I have made 20 very high quality lights for Chief Architect. Ready to use in Chief.
  12. I tried to recreate the situation. It just worked. Can you share the plan? Also make sure all the deck walls are the attached to the main house.