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Everything posted by Breeze_Design

  1. 3D warehouse has loads of alcohol bottles of all types
  2. Yes, you need to edit the 2D cad block for that symbol
  3. haha! you never know -that might be next! but the link does work for me.
  4. A customer (contractor / cabinet maker) has just acquired a CNC machine and has asked if there is anything I can do to integrate my CA plans with their Mozaik software. I'm just starting to look into Mozaik and wondering if there is any compatability / import possible, even if it requires a separate software connector?
  5. Michael, The piece above the cutout has the grain running in the wrong direction. How can I have it go horixontal to match the rest of the cabinet side?
  6. Wow - thanks for the feedback everyone! I learn so much from this group and it's allowing to to constantly raise the bar in what I can provide to clients
  7. I have a request for a custom cabinet and wondering if I can achieve this in X16? I have a full height cabinet and need t sink another cabinet into the side of it as a medicine cabinet My only issue is the side view does not show the med cabinet shelves as they're blocked by the cabinet side
  8. I have two wall that join and I have attempted reversing how they intersect using the "edit wall intersections" function but it doesn't see to change anything. Trying to eliminate that angled section on the higher wall. Any advice on how I could achieve this?
  9. Thanks so much MarkMc! Really appreciate your help. I am also making the time to learn more about making custom cabinets in CA
  10. Has anyone found this cabinet in Has anyone found this cabinet in a CA library? Or on sketchup? 4 tried searching for it but no luck
  11. Thanks for the info. All of the above - and my issue is mostly time to spend on learning . . . too many designs to push out. No worries. I have a very long "to learn" list that I will get through eventually. Until then some things will just have notations
  12. lol! Googling Gola cabinet will bring you some better results, but here are some pics. Although its kind of a moot point now, it determined this will be quite labor intensive in CA
  13. Thanks so much MarkMc! I'm eager to investigate this symbol to determine how you created it. So much to learn with this software but it can do soooo much!
  14. I've done a low cabinet to hide washer/ dryer with retractable doors, kind of cobbled it together, but this is more complex. I would like something that shows the custom cabinet maker more detail on what he needs to achieve. Any advice on creating a symbol with the doors open and this level of detail? Pinterest is going to be the death of me! LOL
  15. Is there a catalog in X15 for GOLA style cabinets/doors?
  16. Kbird1 - no luck with that suggestion unfortunately. I deleted and re-downloaded about a dozen catalogs last week. Now today it shows updates available. Same thing - when doing the mass "update library catalogs" it states it has updated successfully, but the little icon on the libraries does not clear. Since this appears to affect only me I will probably wait for X16 and see it that resolves as this is not a huge deal.
  17. Thanks Kbird1 - Not sure thats the issue - since right clicking each library allows the update and clearing the marker. If they were not matching up I would think this would not work either. However, I will ceertainly give it a try as I know these gremlins can have minds of their own
  18. I doubt it - I have no other issues with my PC, or any other network device, and its been this way for quite some time. It's not a huge deal, just an annoyance really so thought I would ask.
  19. Anyone else experiencing this after updating catalogs? X15 Premier - the library browser continues to show "Update available" for catalogs even after running the full catalog update successfully. The update available marker DOES clear if I right click on the individual catalog and manually update each. It just doesn't when I do the Update > Update Library Catalogs from the mail toolbar. This has been happening for quite some time - Curious !
  20. I would like to resize one of these mirrors from Catalog Lighting No 14 Mirrors to approx 60" w x 40" h Rectangular Mirror Integrated Light frame or Rectangular Depth Lighted Mirror When resized It appears to show okay in the rendering, but not on the plan. Is there a simple way (or even complicated? LOL) to change the 2D so it shows the proper width on the plan view ?
  21. Can anyone share a symbol for this cabinet? I don't know how to make the curved section It's from Waypoint