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    Katoomba, NSW, Australia

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  1. Not so good, and hopefully this gets sorted. Thanks for sharing this.... anyone else having issues with MacBooks and X13?
  2. Thanks Michael, It looks as if 3D has been sorted out, which was one of my concerns. X13 hasn't worked in 3D on my current, admittedly ancient MacBook (perhaps we've got too used to computers "just working" these days ... ). I'll start going through the options.
  3. Thanks Ryan, This helps. I’ll get the 16” (my current 15” is OK for client visits but bigger will help). I’ll look at the cost of the M1Max upgrade and probably bite the bullet for future proofing as you suggest. Nobody having any issues with the latest MacBook Pro and CA? I understand that real time ray tracing isn’t possible but I won’t need that. Thanks Ross
  4. Hi All I’m finally upgrading my old Macbook Pro (15”, Retina, Mid 2014, 16GB Memory, etc). Its been good so far, but it's hit the wall with X13. I’ve had to stay with X12 in 2021 because I’ve not been able to produce 3D views with X13 on it. I’m trying not to buy an overpriced and over-achieving new laptop, but likewise I want it to produce 3D views and run well for the next 5 years or so. I should add that I don't do ray tracing or other presentation views, just simple 3D renders. Also, I want to stay with Mac, so changing back to PC isn’t an option for me. I’ve read the Chief Architect system recommendations for Mac, which are in summary: · 32GB RAM · 1TB SSD Storage · CPU with 4GB+ of video memory and 6+ core There are posts on ChiefTalk about MacBook issues that I’m trying to make sense of, but some are old posts, I know Apple has changed its chips from Intel and it quickly gets technical beyond my knowledge, so I’m asking advice from any MacBook users here. 1. Should I get an M1Pro or M1Max? (It looks like the M1Pro will be more than enough for my needs…. I’m not producing high-end video YouTube stuff). 2. Should I get a 14” or 16”? (I plug my laptop into a BENQ external monitor when using CA. A lighter and more portable 14” laptop is attractive, but there may be factors I’m unaware of here)? 3. Are there any other issues with a new MacBook laptop that I should consider? I'd really appreciate any input before purchasing. Happy New Year! Ross Young Katoomba, Australia
  5. Thanks Eric. Yes, it works exactly the same as SHIFT/Select/Deselect used too, but now using COMMAND/Select/deselect. COMMAND might be specific to a Mac? I shall retrain my brain... I am now seeing previous answers to this (including yours). I did a search before posting but none of these came up... wrong search terms, obviously. Thanks again Ross
  6. Hi All When "group selecting" a number of items, I use Shift/Select as usual to click on each item to select it. If I accidentally select an object that I don't want to be included in the group, I used to click on it again while holding down the Shift key, and it would be deselected. This no longer works for me? I'm sure this will be an easy answer... but what am I doing wrong? Relevant information, possibly: X11 (latest update) MacBook Pro, mid, 2014. Thanks Ross
  7. Thanks Chopsaw, that was it. At some stage I must have changed the Toolbar to "Extended Tool Configuration" and those options disappeared. I've changed back to Default and got them back on the menu. Thanks again, Ross
  8. Hi, I'm familiar with controlling display and line weights, etc in a Plan view by using "Active Layer Set Control" and "Active Annotation Set Control" ( I'm not that confident, but I can get it to work....). However, I'm now wanting to draw some CAD details and put them into my Layout. I want to draw these details from scratch. I go to CAD/CAD Detail Management/New and get a new window that I can rename and draw the details onto. However, the menu bar for the doesn't display the same "Active Layer Set Control" and Active Annotation Set Control" options to allow me to control the line weights, etc of my details. (See attached pictures). What am I missing here? I suspect its something very obvious..... Is there a way to get those options onto the menu bar or is there another way to control the line weights in CAD detail? FYI the Plan view goes to Layout at 1:100 scale and the Details will be 1:20 and 1:10 (sorry for the metric units) Thanks Ross X9
  9. Hi Mick, I don't think its a firewall issue. I use a MacBook and as far as I know anyway, there isn't a firewall. I don't use any virus checkers? Its interesting that its occurring across platforms. Sherry uses Windows and I'm using Mac. So far, no further message but early days. Cheers Ross
  10. Support have replied with the suggestion to deactivate the licence, then reactivate using the product key. I've done this but will need to wait a while to see if this fixes the issue or if the message pops up again. It was only popping up every week or so... maybe longer. I just used to ignore it until it said the program would terminate in a few days time. Hopefully this fixes it. Cheers, Ross
  11. Likewise with the message.... I've just sent a message to Support to try to sort it out. I have a good strength WiFi connection to my laptop (Macbook) and the house modem is on all the time so the laptop is connected always to the internet. The message says that I "must connect this computer to the internet prior to Thur Apr 12 21:28:01 2018 (i.e., in 6 days time). If these operations are not performed, this program will terminate and this software may require re-registration". Cheers Ross
  12. Tim, I've had this issue as well and spent time trying to get a perspective view to show the correct shadows. Basically I've found that after I've made a north point and set a time to see the shadows, I need to close the old 3D perspective view and generate a new view. Once Ive done that, the shadows are correct. This only needs to be done once. Any further change to the time of day will change the shadows correctly in the 3D view. Cheers, Ross
  13. OK, thanks everyone who answered, I'll go with the BENQ monitor. Regards Ross
  14. Hi Chopsaw, I thought about the wider 21:9 screen ratio. The benefit of that would be that this monitor will be shared by my partner who looks at documents rather than drawings and it would suit her to look at several pages side by side. I can't get my head around the idea of a curved screen.... maybe too long looking at a flat drawing board in the past. Mick, that is a good suggestion and link. There is the Benq monitor at $499 as you say. Its a demo model but that doesn't worry me too much. New price for new for BENQ BL 3200PT 32" seems to be about AU$700 to AU$800. Cheers Ross