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Everything posted by scout1

  1. scout1


    in the pic the lights that are casting light are classified as outside the lights under patio entry are classified as patio as you can see the patio lights cast no light I moved one light to outside eve in the right hand corner of patio it now cast light whats up.
  2. correct i have drawn in a lot of objects such as grass, fences, septic, lines, etc and you are correct I am clicking around an object that I would like to highlight and larger objects that are turned off highlight thanks.
  3. I have recreated the problem if I modify the annotations on a saved plan view and hit save I seem to be able to select all kinds of objects on the plan view that are locked or unchecked for that view. when I exit that saved plan view and come back to that same view the ability to select unwanted objects has gone away.
  4. Why can I still select layers in my plan view that are locked and unchecked to display driving me crazy
  5. scout1

    text size

    how do you change the font scale window back to this 1/4" verses 0.012345 I have a pick of the open window
  6. scout1


    I wish that it was that simple the layer is on in both views for the objects in question.
  7. scout1


    slab shows in 3d view but not in 2d and other slab shows in 2d not 3d I would upload plan but file size to large.
  8. sorry for last reply try to draw a wider wall say 6" then trim each side of door select small wall section make a 4 1/2 wall insert door use poly line draw arch over door (see drawing poly line arch convert to solid and enter depth)
  9. try using the wall niche. you can find in the pull down in windows you can put above door then select it and change to an arch.
  10. scout1


    I thought that in x10 the saved plan view was for that purpose. changed settings on one saved plan was not suppose to affect other saved plan views.
  11. scout1


    any way to insert door schedules on a door saved plan view and not have the doors on other saved plan views change to a call out. would like other views to stay with the door size that was there before inserting door schedule. using x10
  12. Out of no where all of the views I try to generate turn out with black screen any reason why?
  13. say I am on layer set framing and I need to manually dimension a wall can that dim go to a layer called dimension framing then when I switch layer sets to say windows can I use manual dim and that dim will go to say layer window dim. can I switch layer sets and Manual dim will switch to different layers
  14. any one in the Fresno aera using chief
  15. any way to draw top of wall at a given elevation with a straight top I have a terrain in the drawing from survey.
  16. after importing dwg I do need to explode cad block before I can select a contour line thanks I did notice everything was on a cad block I will contact survey company and try again
  17. thanks for the try. I do get info in new drawing can see lots of information will let me build terrain ect. just stays flat thanks again for the try.
  18. I have tried all steps in video 1056 with same outcome flat terrain this is why I included dwg for help thanks.
  19. am I missing something I have imported dwg into new drawing created terrain with no result other than it turning out flat using x9 ACAD-15-450_TPO-1.DWG
  20. importing survey dwg terrain is flat need help ACAD-15-450_TPO-1.DWG