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About AdrianDuf

  • Birthday 09/16/1985

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    San Francisco, CA

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  1. Hello, I am designing a tiny home and am having trouble removing the 2nd floor wall the is exposed inside the vaulted interior. I can't attach the file as it's 16 mb but I will try to add a link to it when I get home.
  2. I just wanted to follow up that my graphics card was the issue, I had an NVIDIA 1660 GTX so I was using CPU ray trace. The real time ray trace seems to come out lighter and that requires an NVIDIA RTX 270/280 or AMD Radeon RX 600 minimum specs.
  3. I just wanted to follow up that my graphics card was the issue, I had an NVIDIA 1660 GTX so I was using CPU ray trace. The real time ray trace seems to come out lighter and that requires an NVIDIA RTX 270/280 or AMD Radeon RX 600 minimum specs.
  4. Rob I love this! I'm going to send you a message if that's alright, I think this sort of look is great!
  5. Yea I definitely agree Renerabbit, I started looking into 3D models through SketchUp and swapped out things, I left the Gato sofa but it is pretty blocky. Robs sofa is much better. I think the improvements he did are impressive. I'm looking to impress clients, I do Interior Design so the more photorealistic renderings are nice to have, I don't think it needs to be absolutely looking real, just having nice light and shadow I think are the most important, also the working lights Nice Insta and I like your kitchen build on YouTube! Looks like we're neighbors.
  6. Thanks Renerabitt. I have more experience using Chief, not much using 3ds Max at all. Do you have any suggestions for a more photorealistic rendering than raytrace in Chief? Would doing the emitters of 10-20 lights be quick to do in 3ds Max or is there another program I could look into? If I don't have to redo lighting in 3ds Max, and just add the light emission that seems ok but I'm not sure how to go about that.
  7. Hello, I have tried exporting my 3D Chief Architect model in .3ds, .dae, .stl through the file format options on Chief. It does not seem to save light data when I do render. There is either a lighting error and not lighting preservation or no error or preservation. I tried to export .dae to SketchUp and open the SketchUp file, with no lighting, and tried .dae in Blender to .fbx, still no lighting. Then I tried the very last option on Chief export, VRML .wrl, this seems to have preserved a bit more than the previous options. Is there a way for me to import from Chief and have the lighting preserved, or am I able to fix the lights once imported? I don't want to redo the lighting on import. The VIFS items on the left in the photo are light objects, in the interior view, you can see there are cones coming from the recessed lighting, probably light angle data. Then there's a photo with the light errors upon rending. The file is attached below. I can't seem to get past this and I'm not sure what to do if I can't fix the lighting. Thanks for any help. Here's a link to the .3ds file Here is the link to the Chief .plan Best, Adrian
  8. This looks awesome, thanks for your tips. I haven't had time to play around with it more but I will soon and let you know how it goes!
  9. Hello, I'm new to rendering and am having trouble getting realistic shadows and the lighting has been a bit dark. I did the tips in this video. I changed the sun angle and then switched to generic sun and those properties. Tried increasing and decreasing light sources and lumens. I didn't see the "Improve Light Quality" check box that was in the "Rendering Technique Options" in the video, she used X12, maybe it isn't in X13? I'm using Interiors. Hoping to get some insight. Does anyone have tips or resources for rendering in 3ds Max? I'm wanting to bring rooms over to render eventually where it looks more realistic. I'll attach a photo with 23 passes and then the same one edited in Lightroom.
  10. Thanks, I have posted there now.
  11. Hello Rollerroman, I'm interested and sent you a message.
  12. Hello, hoping I can get some help here. It's an old topic but seems to be the closest. I don't have the $$$ for Chief or Interiors, I have Home Designer Professional. I do Interior Design and am just starting out. I'm wanting to work with the interior in 3ds and render- just starting out with that. I've used Home Designer over a decade. I'm trying the new trial so some export functions are grayed out. The have COLLADA Model (DAE), Export 3D model (STL) I put the pic below. Is there a workaround to get the file into 3ds where it will recognize and render the light and textures properly? Thanks for any help!