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About Kjellar

  • Birthday 12/07/1952

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  1. Hello again..:-)..am retired and very little drawing..have X11 but if I buy this package : Chief Architect Premier – Monthly Subscription, will I then get version x16?? Greetings Kjell :-)
  2. Kjellar


    Yea....that will be okey....:-)
  3. Kjellar


    Yea....i have tried that to...:-(
  4. Kjellar


    Done in request forum :-)....yes in Room and Living area...hope this can be done :-)
  5. Kjellar


    Okey !!....i can do that :-)....but Chief Architect is used in many countries and some of these uses m2 (as sq m ) .... this should not be locked but selectable ...is my opinion ....
  6. Kjellar


    Hey there :-) Just wonder....is it possible to use m2 ( as we use in Norway ) instead of SQ M ??
  7. Kjellar


    Yea....its an Gibson Les Paul from 76 i think...my favorit guitar among my 13 ;-)
  8. Kjellar


    Yessss.....here we go :-).. ...thanks ...but way is it like that ??...never had this prob with x6-x7...
  9. Kjellar


    Kjell here..need some help..some problems here in X8....okey i open a layout page ( only the layout ) with my plans in...and when i click twice on one plan in the layout...then the plan should open right ? But i got a page with nothing in !!! Then when i click on " send to layout "....it send the plan to layout...and in the layout page is okey !! What happens ?? The plans and layout is in same dir!!!
  10. Kjellar

    X8 Beta

    Yes....all is okey :-) ...Thanks for all help....and Dennis and Lew....get your instrument and go rocking..never to old ...to Michael...it was "Slash" who visit me .... In my band we play today Gary Moore - Joe Bonamassa ....blues-rock :-)
  11. Kjellar

    X8 Beta

    Okey...so when i have to wait for the SSA ....Kjell is also playing his guitar :-)..hehe...yea i'm 63 and still doing this stuff....this is a jamsession outside in e tent in my place in summer 2015 .....me on left ;-)....jamsession is...we never had played together before ..so here we go...hope its okey....any here who play in band ??
  12. Kjellar

    X8 Beta

    I mailed to sales@chiefarchitect.com...
  13. Kjellar

    X8 Beta

    Yea....but my english is bad..hehe... ...so i wrote a mail...so i have to wait...but never had such problems before !
  14. Kjellar

    X8 Beta

    No answar to my mail yet....but hope its not any problems....not can i pay the SSA and not any X8 beta...frustrating ?? YES !!
  15. Kjellar

    X8 Beta

    Okey...but when i try to pay the SSA today...i got this message.... " A customized invoice is not currently available for your SSA renewal. If you would like to learn more about the status of your SSA, please e‑mail or call Sales at 800‑482‑4433 or 208‑292‑3400." I don't understand !! My SSA expire on 2/1/2016 so i have some days left to do this !!