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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Always love your videos Steve and perhaps I missed the plot completely but doesn't an invisible wall lined up with the house wall create the desired condition? Curious so I can learn a bit more. Thanks.
  2. Same question P. How far from seating position/keyboard? And brand? Thanks
  3. Hey Joe, I'm curious how you have that 55" TV set up? How far from your keyboard/seating position? Seems like that location might good for the 55" but far away for the 32"? Or vice versa? Trying to imagine a 55" where my (3) monitors are now. Oh yeah which 55" if you don't mind? Thanks
  4. Use an invisible wall/room divider instead of an open railing and line that wall up with the outside wall or move until the ftgs. line up.
  5. Either increase your fascia size or decrease your sub fascia size.
  6. Is this the house you intended to upload? What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish?
  7. And yet this excellent video does not touch on the tools Dermot mentioned in the post above.
  8. Had no idea these tools existed which speaks solely to my ignorance and to the depth of Chief's tools and capabilities. Took me 15 minutes to understand the tools, did I say something about ignorance? Anyway cool stuff. Hope it helps someone else.
  9. But as a user it is not an unreasonable expectation that items shown in plan view might be selectable and its layer at least viewed, understood, or turned on/off. As a programmer perhaps not, but as a user that consistency is important lest it be confusing to myself, the OP of this thread, and the other posts asking the same thing over the years. Hopefully the OP sticks around or returns to take advantage of the great help here.
  10. Sorry but I keep reading this post and wish you the best but are you sure you haven't "provoked" Chief in some way to cause this behavior? I've provoked Chief many, many, times and no matter how much I provoke it, it seems to behave like a computer program.
  11. Those are ceiling break lines, find that layer and turn them off. They get messed up by either lowering a roof over a higher ceiling or raising a room height with a fixed roof height. And for some (stupid?) reason this is the single item you cannot click on, find its layer then turn it off. I remember turning off and on many many different layers until I learned that those dashed lines were 'ceiling break lines'. There's absolutely no way to know this following Chief's traditional paradigm of clicking on an object and learning its layer, then turn that layer off. Never understood why this single item CANNOT be selected and turned off in plan view - and oh yeah, it's been this way for at least 15 years.
  12. There are 2 other free sources you can try as well. Chief's training videos, and this forum that can answer any specific question you may have. As far as comparing the 2 training site mentioned, you can always go to ChiefTutor and watch the many free videos to get a feel for the teaching materials and tenor of the video. I'm sure Dan has some demo stuff as well, again to get a feel for the tenor and teaching techniques. Two good choices. I'll repeat, if you have a very specific question I can't imagine a better resource than right here on the forum.
  13. Truly happy you all got it work. Never did resolve here but time to move on.
  14. Don't feel bad, I've been using the program for 25 years and even with Eric's (probably) excellent direction above I can't get it to build correctly either.
  15. Truly sorry to hear that. Hopefully a fix is coming.
  16. Not suggesting you go through the aggravation but it is doable with a room as shown and maybe the plan will shed some light? I sometimes dread the complications in Chief and rarely have time to figure out everything balancing how much hassle is worth the trouble. BALC ROOM.plan
  17. Couldn't agree more about the aggravation and still struggle to configure such things. Just thought it might be a reasonable option.
  18. Not sure what you're seeing but the upper deck (of Alan's plan) looks like it cantilevers about 1 ft. and the lower pop-out appears to be a simple plant-on accent unless you're referring to the simple illustration that I posted which has no direct relation to the plan the OP is working on but was meant, again as a simple illustration of how he might handle the question he posted..
  19. If you built a room you would have consistent framing with no manual framing members, unless you prefer them. This is a room with a doorway to create the opening. Setting heights etc. a bit tricky but once done it will remain and frame.
  20. Is your system working ok? If so why mess with it? If not maybe new drivers will help some issue specifically?
  21. Holy heck, I always upgrade to the latest release but not any more. I don't really want to mess with what is working and yes I know your mileage may vary and all the other great advice from the folks at Chief but my time is too valuable to mess with any changes to my system. I'll play with X14 but only until it's stable on my system and want absolutely nothing to do with Win 11 until forced to upgrade in, I think, 4 years.