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Posts posted by bmatth1

  1. I have an L shaped deck, and part of it will be a screened in porch.  There are two corners that just will not close correctly due to using the break tool on the rail wall to be an enclosed area for the screened in porch.  Sometimes I get it to work, by working with the corners, but when I close the file and re-open - it is back to where it was.  When I get one corner to look good, the other one messes up.  The beam opens at the corner, and the rails do not connect to the beam.  Suggestions?  I am using CA Premier X12.  Also, when I try to add footers under the concrete supports, it shows up for a few minutes then reverts back to the 12" default, without supporting footers.  Don't know if this is all related. 


  2. The saddle worked great!  Thanks for the video.  However, as noted in the first image - plan view - I cannot seem to get the saddle attached to the main roof so I can do the clean up as in the video.  Can this be the cause of the framing lumber showing in the vaulted area?



  3. Manually, the roof design comes out great.  Note the following:

    1. right eave boxed, left eave not boxed (both have same settings)

    2. Need to clean up inside - remove overhangs - inside porch, and inside house

    3. Gutterboard not looking right at intersection - should be clean inside corner




  4. This is great information - thank you so much.  I tried to do it manually, and I get it pretty close.  Matching up the eave connection precisely, to get rid of the gutter board where it connects, is where I have a problem - getting the connection precise - any suggestions?  It seems like if I could move with the arrows - slowly and precisely, this would help - instead of snap movements.  Also - under the porch and inside the house where the overhang sticks below the ceiling - there is a lot of cleanup to do - eliminate overhangs, and more.  Thanks again. 

  5. I am trying to create a double gable using PREMIER X12  Build roof - automatically build.  Hoping the auto build will eliminate the rafters below the ceiling, and clean it up inside.  Here is what I keep getting. Is there a way PREMIER X12 can auto build this double gable and clean it up automatically?  When I try using build planes, there is a lot of clean up to do - overhang below ceiling, gutter boards not matching up correctly, overhang not eliminated inside of porch roof.  I am hoping PREMIER X12 will have something in place to make this easier.  Using Build Roof, the automatic build keeps creating this large gable and the smaller one.  I would like to keep the original gable, above the large casement window, as shown in the picture,  and create the smaller gable over the porch, and create a cricket in the flat area between.  All of this being done automatically by PREMIER X12




    Is it possible to show joist hangers using Premier x12?  I am building a deck and it attaches to the house via a band that is bolted to the house and the joists are attached with joist hangers.




  7. If there are several foundation walls in a plan view, I select one wall and modify its properties - size, width, footer, etc.  Is there a way to copy these properties and paste onto the other foundation walls?  In the object eyedropper video, it uses an example of a window.  When I try this with a foundation wall, the eyedropper does not change to a spray can - does not work at all.  Using CA Premier X12