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Everything posted by DanielleDubuc

  1. Hi everyone! I am trying to find out how to group same materials together in a materials list and calculate the total. Ex: I would like to find the total SF for the wall siding of the whole house. For now I get several lines of the same siding in the list. I surely miss something, I didn't find what I was looking for in the videos or in the forum. Can someone point me the way to do that please. Thanks in advance! Danielle
  2. Ok, I understand better now! Thanks again Mick!
  3. Mick, I set my rendering defaults as yours. But the ones for the Duotone are not the same. I can't find the ambient light in the Duotone settings window. Here is what I have: But anyways, if this setting doesn't have any influence on the other view, it will be ok for me. Thanks again! Danielle
  4. Thank you Mick, your help is really appreciated! I must admit that I didn't pay attention to that cabinet. I miss time these days. This is the kind of details that I fix just before my presentation to the client . I am a beginner with X13. Your camera defaults are much better than mine for sure. The render BPR is really brighter. I will compare my defaults with yours to find the difference. Danielle
  5. Merci CV-reno! You fixed my problem! I am using X13 since a few weeks only and I just realized that the Daytime Backdrop Intensity in the Rendering Technique Options wasn't the same as Sunlight adjustment. I was changing only the first one, not the sunlight. Thank you also for pointing the top wall issue in the kitchen, I didn't notice that. It was coming from an angled room divider between the kitchen ant the dining room. I added a 90 degree angle in the invisible wall and that fixed the ceiling hole. And I lowered the bathroom cabinet! Thanks a lot!
  6. Morin prop 1 x13.rar Hi, Here is the zipped plan file. Thanks for taking time to help me! Danielle
  7. Thank you Mick and Ryan, There was already a foundation, and I added the roof. The render is better now, but there is still a white line on top of the walls and light bleeding around the door. This is more evident with the original image than in the one uploaded here. Danielle
  8. Hi! The first part of my post has been answered, thank you! But I still don't know why there is light bleeding from behind the cabinet and on top of the walls and doors. Can someone tell me how to fix that please? Thanks in advance!
  9. I had to create my textures again from scratch, but it worked. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the answer Dermot. I will try that.
  11. This is what it looks like in a perspective view
  12. Hi everyone! I am ray tracing my custom cabinet. I created a material with a picture of the original cabinet doors and applied it to my cabinet. For now, I get pink cabinet doors. In perspective views, the cabinet is ok. I presume this comes from the technique I used to create the material, but I can't find what it is. Also, there is some light emitting from behind the cabinet and the corners of the room. I didn't find why and how to fix that. What did I do wrong? Thanks in advance!
  13. Thank you Eric! I thought I it was impossible to embed the legs in the cabinet corners manually. I will try that.
  14. Hi! I am trying to reproduce my client's 20s sideboard to insert it in the 3D models. Can someone tell me the easiest way to have that free space under the cabinet with corner pilasters serving as legs please? I have been watching video for hours and searching the forum without finding what I am looking for. Attached a picture of the sideboard and the cupboard. Thanks in advance! Danielle
  15. Thank you Tina, this is great! I wish I had something to share with every one too!
  16. Hello everyone, I am looking for a freelancer for occasional work in the Eastern townships in Quebec. This will be mainly teleworking Please send me an email at danielledubuc@3diddesign.ca Have a great day! Bonjour à tous, je recherche un ou une pigiste pour du télétravail occasionnel en Estrie au Quebec. S'il vous plaît, envoyez-moi un courriel à danielledubuc@3diddesign.ca Bonne journée!
  17. OK! So I will take the chance to install X13 and hope for the best! Thanks again!
  18. I had the same issue and fixed it by lowering the sun lumen down to 600. that also fixed the problem with the blue back light window treatment.
  19. Hahaha! Kbird1, you got the point! So I spent a few hours trying to fix a non existing problem! It might be a good idea if Chief added a note about which versions the videos are about. This would save users some time. I didn't find that information anywhere, not even beside the Chief logo on top of the video window. I have SSA yes, but I was hesitating to upgrade because of those issues with the 3000 video cards. I have my laptop since January, I will update the drivers. And since you say that this will fix the card issues, I will upgrade to X13. And find the Ray trace check box! Thanks for the link about the drivers, I only have to find the right version now! Thanks to all of you for your help guys !
  20. OK, so I had a look on how to force Chief to use a specific video card and I tried that and rebooted the laptop. But it seams that it was already using the Nvidia RTX 3080. (See picture) The problem is that there is no box to tick in the "rendering technique options" window to activate the Ray Trace it is like mentioned in the video "PBR technique" video. And I don't see the "Hardware Ray tracing" line in the Preferences window either. Here is what I see on my screen in the rendering technique options window Preferences and compare of what is illustrated in the PBR technique video. Thanks again! Danielle
  21. Thank you for taking care of my question. I can't find how to configure Chief to get my video Card to support Ray Trace Danielle
  22. Hi everybody! I am trying to render PBR views with my new Alienware X17 laptop. I had a look in the forum and listened to this video "https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html" The video mentions a "Use Ray Tracing" tick box that should be in the "Rendering Techniques Options" window. But I couldn't find that and there is no mention of the Ray Tracing in the Video Card Status of the Preferences. My graphic card is an Nvidia RTX 3080. It's supposed to support real time Ray Tracing. Can someone tell me how to fix this please? Thanks in advance! Danielle
  23. Good to know David! Thanks for the information. Danielle