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About johnccole

  • Birthday September 26

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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  1. I have a house with two wings, each bent forward at 45 degrees. I copied the plan over as a new standalone plan. but, when I view rotate to draw on the angled wing of the house as if it is ortho, it has this bug:

    The 45 rotated view shows the walls as ortho as intended, and the cross hairs are vert & horiz as intended, but the selection box remains as it was, which is now 45 because of the rotated view. So, for example, selecting a door brings up a selection box on the 45 to the door symbol.

    Please let me know your thoughts...image.thumb.png.1c954ec7fd2bc2f1dad5cecd80503f94.png


    1. johnccole


      yes, it's been a year since I used this forum. How do I create a post? but I should just look it up, I know, but coudnt figure it out, for some reason

  2. All very intriguing suggestions., especially the first one. Seems like there is always a way to skin the cat, if you know how. Ill take the time to go through them. This Forum is terrific. John
  3. So Dermot, your good idea worked, except that the width of the decorative tile needs to be narrower than the cabinet below, which I didn't think about that until I tried the backsplash. But I talked to a friend who had me convert the filled rectangle into a polyline solid, and that does show up behind the outlet, and in front of the wall tile, and I can control the width. Thanks for your help!
  4. Hey Dermot! That's a tip sounds like it will work, and be less time consuming than creating a new wall. I'll let you know...
  5. Many thanks for replying, but no dice, the filled rectangle either covers the outlet (even at 1" off the wall), or disappears behind the wall tile layer. I think my problem lies in trying to use draw order on an object (the outlet) vs a CAD entity (the filled rectangle). Guess I'll have to break the wall and create a new wall with the accent tile. Thanks Jerry
  6. Thanks for the note about Draw Order tools. However, I cannot get the elec outlet to come forward of the filled rectangle I’m using to indicate a tile pattern on the wall. Thanks in advance! John