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About DRC-Custom

  • Birthday 12/14/1966

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    Elk City, Oklahoma

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  1. I just can’t figure out how to set the commands to do it. This is what I’m wanting to do( attached picture)
  2. I haven’t needed to do a separate foundation plan, so I don’t know how to make chief do what I want, I will try to describe what I’m wanting to do. I’m doing a 18” x 18” footing a 6” wide by 12” tall stem wall and then pouring 4” thick slab in between the stem walls. I want the brick on the walls to go down to the top of the footing, the 2 x 6 walls will set on the top of the stem walls. The outside edge of the stem wall in the foundation plan should be the same dimension as the outside edge of the stud wall (main layer) in the floor plan. I have watched videos and read but I’m just not understanding, I’m pretty thick headed, any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone in advance.
  3. It worked perfectly, thank you again.
  4. I will give that a try, I seem to remember doing something like that on another plan in an earlier version. Thanks so much for your reply.
  5. I haven’t but I will try it. Thanks
  6. Hello I am new to the forum but have been using Chief for years but not every day and my memory sucks. I’m using Chief X10 now. I have a 30’ x 40’ building with a 10’ Porch on the 40’ side. I want to keep the gable centered over the 30’ span with a 4/12 pitch and put a shed roof over the 10’ Porch with a 1.5 to 2/12 pitch. I know I’ve done this before but can’t seem to make it work.