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Posts posted by ACADuser

  1. See below as to how the wall was supposed to be installed but they attached the top track to the 2X & stopped the ceiling 2X5/8 layer at the wall drywall.

    Any ideas of how to fix the top of wall condition so it remains 1 hour rated?


    I was thinking that two layers of rated drywall attached to the top but what to do at the bracing?

    1) remove & reinstall bracing?

    2) foam fill rated foam around the 2X bracing?




  2. I am doing details in a CAD Detail in the plan file.

    I want to draw in actual size. So when I draw a 12"x12" rectangle & want to add a hidden line (very small dashed line) the start & end segments are too large. Is there a line scale setting for that CAD detail workspace?

    If not I need a much smaller line definition, but can not create it. I must be missing some critical information.


    Any guidance would be appreciated.




    CA Linestyle2.JPG

    CA Linestyle.JPG

  3. Thanks all..

    Tech support had no magic, same methods mentioned here.

    The problem I had with soffits no showing an opening went away once I restarted Chief.

    So that is what I did use, but the plan view soffit lines do not join so I have to use a polyline for plan view.

    Thanks Steve, the issue I had with that method is the the room schedule is not correct.

    And the owner wanted a room schedule in the plans.



  4. I just tried 6" tall soffits ILO ceiling plane but when the soffits wrap into a rectangle they close the center, no hole.

    Is that a bug?

    And soffits do not allow holes!    PS this worked after restarting Chief




    CA Soffit 2.JPG

  5. I have a 6" drop ceiling with holes.

    But I want the perimeter to jump up 6" to the original ceiling.

    Problem is the ceiling vertical plane does not build. See photo.

    I tried putting a hole there but it just trims the original ceiling polyline.

    I have windows that finish at the top ceiling line, so I can not have the hole inside the main drop ceiling.

    Any suggestions?

