I am drawing a cross section using 2D CAD lines (to get more detail than the automatic cross section Chief creates).
I am having issues finding a Batt Insulation Pattern to use.
I am using Chief X9
- Chief Architect has a Block under "CAD Blocks / Detail Components / Insulation / Batt / 5.5" R-21", but unfortunately it is only 12" x 5 1/2" of size, so if I want a smaller or bigger section, it stretches the block and the proportions change.
- I found a free .PAT file online (attached), but It needs to be in a specific location to work, the minute I move the polyline with that pattern in it, the pattern moves with it.
I have tried to illustrate this in the attached screen shot.
Please let me now if anyone has any recommendations / solutions to this issue.