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    Cincinnati, OH

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  1. I'm trying to create a custom concrete hot tub, was wondering if anyone could help me get started with an approach and tools to get me started. Any tutorial videos that could be suggested would be appreciated. I have attached a drawn plan on what I'm trying to create. Much thanks! Jimmy
  2. Got it, had to change ceiling height. Thanks
  3. Created a small deck to use as a Stair Landing, when I raised the deck from floor 0 the rails did not follow, tried to change rail height but it is not working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  4. Thank you so much, it was driving me crazy.
  5. Yes, I understand that they are rooms labeled as Deck, I just don't no where to set the elevation? Could you send a pict where that is? I imagine it is somewhere here but not sure? Thanks
  6. Trying to create a landing for some deck stairs leading down to a concrete slab (patio). I cant figure out how to lower the landing? Thanks in advance! Jimmy
  7. Thanks, that worked. I guess I was just over thinking it too much.
  8. I found the wall register but it still wants to stay attched to the wall and will not let me put it on my make shift duct. Thanks
  9. I'm on version 10 and tried a few of the settings but did not work. Thanks
  10. That did not work it just allows me to move it behind the box but it still stays attached to the wall.
  11. I have created a make shift HVAC box duct from a shape and brought it up to the ceiling. It looks fine in 3d. Trying to attach some HVAC vents from the library but they appear to be smart object's that will only attach to the wall. Is there a way force them to attach to the make shift box duct I created? Thanks
  12. Trying to move entire flooring back 3" on a second floor Dock so it lines up with the Railing support from the first floor. I just cant figure this out. Is there an easy way to select the flooring and just nudge it back? Thanks
  13. Curious what is the best way to create Posts for the roof structure. Have been using Rails but can't figure out how to hide the railing but keep the post for the structure. Thanks
  14. Finally got it got it! Thanks to both of you. Thanks!!!
  15. The invisible railing worked (for the auto roof) but it closed off the Boat Slip? Thanks in advance!