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  1. BTW @DBCooperyou were partly correct with single layer wall. By adding layers that would help as well, as long as you don't tick the framing box for the exterior wall layers.
  2. Thanks for that. I did try that and it didn't work but it got me thinking and found the solution. The wall type def > select the layer > material properties - the framing box was ticked. Untick the box and all good. Cheers.
  3. Hi, Have an issue where the internal pocket part of the wall/door is creating a hole through a wall. See attached. We have tried changing the door thickness and wall thickness and other settings but no difference. Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing to fix this? Seems like it would be a simple thing to fix but can't figure it out without using a solid to fill in the wall.
  4. We are looking for Drafters that are experienced in Chief , salary positions available, Salary dependant on experience . Contact
  5. Synergy Designs a building design company based on The Sunshine Coast, we only do conceptual work and don't do working drawings as such, we have clients in Australia and New Zealand so experience in either market is good were are looking to add more chief operators, they should be proficient in chief and preferably have a good eye for design, anybody chasing the sunshine this might be a good opportunity all our staff are on Salary we are flexible with ours etc, so the positions are permanent, we are not affected by the ups and downs of the building industry , See our website, applicants can contact
  6. Hi. We have something weird happening on one of our computers when we import Layer sets in Chief X8. When we import the layer sets, they import but do not carry the layer details - text style, line style, weight, on/off, etc. It works fine on all other computers but one of them. I have removed chief and reinstalled it and I have had our tech guy have a look at our network and computer permissions, tried a new Login. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?
  7. Ok Thanks. Just to clarify, if I open a file on the MAC and later someone else needs to open the same file on a PC, it will work fine?
  8. Hi, Can anyone tell me if its possible to share or use the same files across MAC & PC? Is the plan and layout files the same format/file type? We currently are using windows PC but are considering adding a MAC in the mix. Are there any issues with using both MAC and PC? Can we share the same plan and layout files, library, etc between PC and MAC? or do we need separate files for each? Cheers David Chief Architect Premier X7 Chief Architect Premier X8