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  1. If it's in 3d view watch out for having too many of your lights in light set turned on. If you turn ALL your lights on and you have a lot, it will bring every graphic card to it's knees.
  2. What brand card do you have? Go to the manufacture's website and look for a firmware update for your card. 2080ti's had speed problems with the original bios on some cards. They admitted to problems with early cards too. Some were fixed with a video card firmware update. This looks like the same problem some people had at launch of the 2080ti. Hopefully it isn't your card failing. EVGA GeForce RTX Ultra 2080Ti - screen artifacts and system crashes... - EVGA Forums
  3. I have terrain and a bunch of traced elevation lines on my plan. The lot isn't a straight square, and the current hill is at an angle to the lot. I would like to find an easierish way to move my terrain around in relationship to my floorplan, including rotating it and such. I've been using a plan view that has only the terrain and associated layers active, but then I can't see the floorplan in relationship to the terrain I'm trying to place. Is there any tutorial video someone's made showing this? Moving the terrain, changing the working plan view to see where the house is, then changing it and selecting everything, bump it again, repeat, is getting a little old. Thanks!