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Posts posted by CJSpud

  1. Glenn:


    That was simple enough.  I never would have suspected that the gable roof planes weren't properly aligned with the other roof plane edge.  Pretty hard to tell with the camera views.  A plan view probably would have shown the problem.




    Another trick to use when trouble shooting is to take a backclipped section through your problem area.  Sometimes this is an easy way to spot alignment problems such as you incurred.


    Good luck with your project and welcome to ChiefTalk.

  2. When it worked for me, I put the bullet in the selection circle for the 7.5 degree option, the saved the plan, closed the plan, and reopened it and the 7.5 degree option was still selected.  I didn't do any other work in the blank plan I tested this on. 


    If you can't get it figured out, I would suggest you call tech support and see if they can duplicate what you are getting or see if they can identify what you need to do differently.

  3. In plan view or a 3d camera view, right click near the valley of one of your new (smaller) roof planes, then hit the 2 key on your keyboard (shortcut of join roof planes), then move your mouse cursor across the valley over the larger roof plane (it should turn a greyed color to show it is also selected) and then click your left mouse button to "join" the roof planes at the valley.  If your roof planes weren't correctly joined at the valley, this will hopefully fix that condition and similarly fix your fascia so that it properly joins as well.


    If that doesn't work, then you need to verify that the fascia height for your small gable roof plane matches the fascia height of the larger main roof planes.  First, select the larger roof plane and open the roof dbx (dialog box) and see what the setting is for the fascia top.  While you are there, highlight the fascia top setting and hit Ctrl C (copy) to save it on the clipboard.  Next, select one of the small gable roof planes and verify what the fascia top setting is for it.  If they are the same, you should have your fascias properly joined.  The the fascia top value is different, put a bullet in the roof pitch (if it is what you want) to lock it - then select the fascia top reading and hit Ctrl V (paste) to make the fascia height the same as the larger roof planes.


    If that doesn't fix it, try hitting F12 to rebuild walls, floors and ceilings.  Maybe there's something going on that is causing your problems that will be fixed by a rebuild.  If none of this works, either save your plan > then in Explorer migrate to your plan file > Send > send as a compressed folder (reduce its size for posting here) > then post your plan.  Or, if you like, you can call me at (208) 935-1521 and maybe I can talk you through some of this if you are having trouble understanding what I am describing.

  4. Ian:


    I just did a quick test with X6 and was able to retain the 7.5 degree (bullet) setting.  The only two things I can think of is, you need to make sure that you click "OK" after selecting the 7.5 degree setting ... if you just close the dialog, the setting will revert back to 15 degrees.  Also, you need to make sure that you save your plan after making the change and before closing the plan.  I don't recall having that problem with any of the versions I have used and that is all of them from v7 to X6 (except I skipped v8). 

  5. Larry:


    Here's the PDF file of the patterns Chief gives us when you browse through the various pattern folders.  I wish I could remember who put this together as it took a little bit of his time to do it and I am thankful for that.


    Fill Hatch Patterns Cheat Sheets.pdf


    Here's a PDF I created of an old thread on ChiefTalk that has some valuable information posted by Tim O'Donnell regarding how to create pattern files.  You may not know who Tim was but when I started using Chief back in 2001, Tim was one of the power users who always seemed to come up with solutions to all sorts of things users were trying to do with Chief.  Many of us who remember Tim would love to still have him participating here on ChiefTalk.  Tim had a falling away with Chief and went his own way.  He used to have a Yahoo groups forum for Chief but I don't know whether or not that forum is still active.



  6. Larry:


    Actually, Chief provides us with a pretty good assortment of patterns we can use.  Joey or ???? someone posted a file of images of all of the Chief patterns that can be used in all of those folders.  I think I saved it and if I can find it, I will post it here in your thread.  This was done awhile back on the old forum.

  7. Larry:


    Select your PW material > Plan Materials > Plywood > Edit > Pattern > Custom > Browse to Chief's folder call ChiefFill.pat > scroll down to the plywood pattern > change the scale to 0.0125 and you'll get an edge pattern that has 5 plies if you are using 3/4" plywood.  If you are using a different thickness and/or a different # of plies, you will have to experiment with the scaling.  I am assuming you are wanting this for a cross section detail.

  8. Larry:


    If you are talking about a pattern for PW when looking at the large flat side of a sheet, why not just use one of Chief's provided wood patterns but make the scale quite large?


    If you are looking for a pattern for the edge of PW, I would suggest using the horizontal line fill and scale it as desired (e.g., use 1/8" for 1/8" plys).

  9. Kbird:


    Thanks for your response.  Not being a very techy user, I was more interested in finding out what performance improvements (image quality, speed, other) one can realize by tweaking the OTB Nvidia defaults, and which settings can tweaked to get such performance improvements.


    I appreciate the SLI info ... in 2011 I did some research on computer hardware before I had Puget Systems build my computer but I have forgotten most of the details of what I learned at that time.  I probably won't be adding another VC to my setup anytime soon.  If I did anything, I would probably move up to a better/faster VC.  My more important need is to up my SSD.  I am pretty tight on space, but there's even more to that story so when I get time to dive into some issues with my setup, maybe I can survive for awhile with the 80GB one I have now.


    I would still like to hear what some of the Chief programmers have discovered regarding the settings of their Nvidia cards when they've been testing/using the Chief ray tracer.

  10. Perry:


    I appreciate your providing your spec's for us to review.  I figured out that I would need to add Chief to the list ...  Ijust wanted to confirm I would be using the right path.  Your right ... lots of video cards on the market but generally, they function similarily.  I thought that "maybe" some of the folks working at Chief would like to share some of their insights as to how they tweaked their video card settings to get improvements in using the ray trace engine.  I am pretty sure that Chief programmers are using a wide variety of equipment for their work, including video cards.  There has got to be a lot of information that could be shared with us users if someone at Chief would just do it.  I think they may have given this subject a wee bit of attention in a video or two but most of the topics covered in the videos specifically address using Chief's ray tracer and how to change settings in the RT to get good results.




    I have read a little on SLI in the past but don't remember a thing about it.  What would SLI do to improve final views?  Thanks.

  11. I agree with the outswing, hinge towards the cabinets.  My son is a fireman and EMT and had one incident where a big fellow died on the commode.  I can't imagine trying to recover a heavy person on a commode with a design as shown. 

  12. Hmmmm.  I just did an edit to the above post and it didn't take.  I think ChiefTalk has got some bugs in it yet that need fixin.




    I took one last look at your plan and realized the section I show in my post above was an older section that wasn't accurate.  I noticed that in a 3D foundation floor overview, that the 8" CMU with stone didn't go down 8" below the floor level.  I had to go in and plug in the -8" settings again and then checked with a new cross section and overview and it looked right ... except the 8" of stone had a little piece missing at the corner which I had to fix by selecting the upper foundation pony wall in camera view and dragging an edge over to the corner. 


    Sometimes walls have something corrupt them and the only cure is to delete the darn things and put in a new one.  Hope you get it fixed OK by doing the same.  Good Luck.

  13. Larry:


    The cure is simple ... delete that foundation wall and rebuild it.  When I did, I had to pull the top down to your 40" height.  Looks good in a foundation floor overview and the cross section through the wall looks good as well.  Give it a try.  I had the same problem you did only better (worse better that is) ... I had a sliver of mortar shooting 10's of feet up into the sky:




    The new wall looks much better:


    post-191-0-43799300-1394669770_thumb.jpg           post-191-0-66809900-1394669816_thumb.jpg


    You can doctor up the details.


    By the way, nice looking design.   



  14. Sometimes, doing some things seems so confusing.  I "think" I just repeated the exact same process to zip your plan file.  This time the zipped file is 5+ MB's and WinZip says the file is 26.9 Mb's.  On my desktop where I have the file temporarily located, it says it's 25.6 Mb's.  There seems to be some MB's in this plan that are either non-existant or they're running around like chickens with their heads removed.  I clicked on the file in my WinZip dialog and the plan opens up OK so I am going to attempt to attach it here again.




    By the way, here's an image of your floor defaults when clicked while on floor 1.  Not sure why it looks like that but it seems to be working.




    Hope this works this time.