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Posts posted by CJSpud

  1. I think the main problem is with what you are working from to begin with.  As you and many others have stated over the years, Chief is not a perfect "DO-IT-All" program and expecting it to create walls from that "MESS" is stretching it IMO.  Give Chief something decent to work with in the beginning and I think it performs quite well.  Nuff said.  Draw over that mess and don't worry about the small stuff. 

  2. Yes ... I tried it.  What I did .... Export your .plan as a dwg ... save to desktop ... open a new plan .... import the dwg into your new plan .... turn off CAD default ... what I had left was one little chunk of wall Chief extracted from all that stuff in your plan.

  3. I remember but I couldn't remember! :unsure:


    Thanks for reminding us of this technique as it is a great application and I have a project that I can use this on.


    Joe:  You don't think this hard when you're playing golf with Scott ... do you? :)

    Keep those tips coming ... I think Chief should hire you as a consultant!

  4. Probably not the best option regarding the plants but you could double up on them and have the larger size on one layer and the smaller on another and then turn on/off as needed.  Resizing the CAD blocks might be the best option.

  5. I went custom .... like the outfit I chose .... they study hardware options and look for parts that have the lowest failure rates .... do heat tests etc. before your machine goes out the door .... you can monitor the process of your build on a daily basis.  No bloatware installed.  You can configure based upon many options.  Great support and lots of good techy articles etc. on their website ... www.pugetsystems.com.


    Get as much as you can afford .... Good processor and MB; SSD for programs; HD for data; lots of RAM; good power supply, best video card you can afford (I like Nvidia), etc.  I wouldn't use a small case.  Tom's Hardware has lots of in depth articles on components:  http://www.tomshardware.com/


    Also, as we age, bigger monitors are better so I wouldn't skimp on monitor(s) either if that is part of your upgrade.  I am using two in the 23"/24" size range and sometimes wish I had a 27" in the middle.  Some Chiefer's are going much bigger and liking it.


    Good luck.  Let us know what you come up with.

  6. I've got 4 aces ... you lose!  V ... did the advice help?  Curious.  I think at one time or another we have all had those funny light bleeds.  For me usually at the wall/roof junctions.  I don't recall seeing one where you are getting them.  Let us know what's going on ... if you got them fixed.  Solutions that work help us all.

  7. Bryce: 


    Must have a beast near you as well.  Wish I had those speeds here, but don't see that happening any time soon.  Now that the geese are migrating south, I suspect I will have occasional signal disruptions/slow downs.  But I can live with that compared to my previous service option.

  8. I think Gene and Lew answered your question.  One thing you might consider doing is creating some of your own cabinet spec's for the different types of cabinets which can include shelf numbers, spacing, etc.  Each can have its own materials etc.  Then save each to your My Cabinets library for future use in your projects.  This could save you a chunk of time in editing Chief's default cabinets.

  9. My use of "cheating" was jokingly.  I did like what you presented and considering how you used base cabinets for most of your objects, I think it looked purdy darn good. 


    By the way, how did you do the towel rods?  I am thinking maybe you used a circular molding around the edge of a countertop and then made all the other materials no material ... but maybe you used a different method.

  10. Luxury bath .... not in the rules Joe!  And it looks to me like you cheated on yours by pulling lighting and faucets from the library.  The faucets Kay made just look like a narrow cabinet, no backspash or toe kick and a decent overhang.  Maybe I am wrong but seems that it can be done that way. 


    We definitely need to put John Jones on the hook and have him post all those things he came up with (at least the list).

  11. Joe:


    The only one I am not sure about is the toilet paper holder.  Everything else I saw in Kay's image looked like it was made from a base cabinet to me.  I doubt that Kay put a ton of time into any of those she created and your rules didn't require that they had to be realistic.  I will admit that your presentations looked a little better than Kay's but ....!

  12. To be chivalrous, I will give Kay the nod.  I loved the creativity she showed in using the tool for so many different items.  Light fixtures, pedestal sink, toilet, tub spout ....  Great thread Joe - thanks. 


    Makes one realize how much can be done with Chief and your thread's rules created restrictions on using many other tools within Chief that can be adopted for many uses.  It would be interesting for someone to compile a list of all the things that can be done with each Chief tool.  I bet it would be an interesting list to look at.