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Everything posted by NeilofOZ

  1. My "Custom Splashback" tool button is not highlighted or accessible, have used the search function but nothing relevant came up. NeilofOZ
  2. Yep, that did it and thanks. Can now put that one on the memory bank, lol. Regards Neil.
  3. Think I had the plan open, I didn't wake up to that one, see attached Mediterranean_Taste_Floor_Plan.plan
  4. Glenn, Not too sure if the plan was saved, a message came "upload Failed". Didn't know how to delete content and start again, so let me know if it came through. Regards Neil.
  5. Glenn, All text and logo are solids and I have finalised the signage panel and it looks great, see attached, so the only problem now for me is why does the logo object disappear only in floor plan view, when I shift it away from the back panel. Just need to know for future reference. Regards Neil.
  6. Eric, Small problem, have done the logo and positioned it on a wall, but can't view it in floor plan, only elevation and camera views which makes it difficult to park it off the wall while playing around with some back lighting, any suggestions. Regards Neil.
  7. Eric, Yep, I thought so and just finished it, obviously you are a lot faster than me, was hoping that there was a more simpler way, now I know how Noah got on building his Ark, lol. Thanks anyway.
  8. Doing some signage detail and have a 2D image from my graphic Designer, have imported this to a "New Plan" but need to find an easy way of tracing a polyline around the image as it's quite detailed. What's the best way achieving this to convert to a polyline solid, see attached image for reference. Would prefer to have the logo ( tomato ) in two parts as there are unique requirements to each. Have used CA's text for the lettering so its the logo that I need to work on. Regards NeilofOz.
  9. Fellas, Have used the "2D Generate Block" and there are no offsets to the Origin. The file format is dae. and I noticed originally that the positions did not match the views in this file also ( see attached ) so nothing achieved. The Object only came as a single colour with no provision to modify, so there's not much point in using it, but it would be good if I knew what's happening, for future reference. Plan is too big to send, but attached original object file, if this helps. afanche.atd
  10. Just imported a 3D cad object into my library as a symbol, but can't match the Floor Plan position to the Render view's, see attached pic. Have played "ring-a ring-a-rosie" for the last two hours but nothing will match up.
  11. Eric, Yep, top landing works a treat now, thought I had it connected to the stair, but I know what to look for now. Can you please advise on items 5 & 6, as I still need some help on these. With regard to "View Signatures", do I have to re-activate for every individual discussion as this was brought to my attention previously and thought I had this turned on, and where do I list my software version and computer hardware.
  12. Having issues with the above and have attached a Pic and Floor Plan for reference, the stair has multiple landings which all went well until I came to the main top landing connecting the building and summarize as follows:- 1. Having issues positioning a railing to the top landing, but when I do the landing is at basement level and gives no reference for height positioning. 2. A small railing is situated on the right hand side of the landing, which can't be selected or connected with other railings for some reason. 3. If I do position a railing wall to the long side, it doesn't connect with the stair railings. 4. There's no provision for having continuous rails over the newels, similar to the stair railings. 5. How do you select/offset newel posts in relation to treads, it appears they have limited directional placement. 6. On the lowest stair I can't delete the railing on the left hand side, if I do, then I lose the newel post on the next left flight, do I have to create one. Regards Neil ( X10 ) Sharrock_New_Plan_-_Copy,_C.plan
  13. Tommy,

    Did you attach anything with your comment?

    Regards Neil. 

  14. Fellas, Thanks for the info, did a couple of sequences and found the easiest method was by way of making the building into a symbol, but now I have another query:- Can't get the terrain to reset under the garage floor, tried numerous ways with terrain line elevations but this just messed up all of the external contours which I don't want. I have a lot more detail to add to this site in the form of a pool, patio and BBQ area + some retaining walls and linked by steps, so I need to be able to set my ground areas/levels fairly precisely. Some of the videos showed extending "elevation terrain lot1 Modified + Plan-2.planlines" past the site boundaries to achieve flat terrain planes, but this won't work for me, need some help please. See attached updated plan for visual reference. Regards Neil. lot1_Modified_+_Plan-2.plan
  15. I previously created a site plan with terrain data and now want to place a building which I have just completed, but cant import or merge these two elements. If i have the site plan open and try to import my building I can't access the plan folder, even though the site and building plan is in the same folder and vice versa if I have building plan open and try to import the site plan. All of the tutorials are based on developing a site/terrain plan to a building plan, which doesn't suit my situation. Also, don't understand why my building plan is not accessible when I try to import via the same path as the terrain plan, ie, Documents/X10/Projects/Sharrock Extensions/Plans. Have tried to copy/paste the building into the site plan with no success. Have attached the two files for reference. Regards Neil. Sharrock_New_Plan_-_Copy,_B.plan lot1 Modified.plan
  16. Fellas, Yesterday was a holiday in in our home state, but played around with the settings over the weekend and turned off the sunlight as discussed, but still nothing and all of my settings are the same as yours. From my perspective, I need lots of light to embellish the color and detail of the kiosk, so at this point will go with what I have as I believe the kiosk has enough detail to satisfy my client, got to get on with 2D detailing anyway. For me it's a long learning curve, but still very happy that I am able to undertake both 3D & 2D documentation of projects, something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Thanks for all your help, without the forum I would be floundering, don't forget to clarify filling the Forum Signature, as I haven't been able to find that anywhere in my personal settings. Regards Neil.
  17. KBird, Slowly getting my finger on the pulse:- Have sent a floor plan of the cabinet which incorporates the LED illumination, have beefed up the light data substantially, but still no lighting effect, maybe I have too much brightness in my raytraces, but I need it this way due to it being in a bright area. The LED light source is on the face which shows the vegetation and mesh feature, set to the underside of the cabinet top. Having problems with your directions on the Forum Signature, have been through all my settings and nothing comes up as you described in your last email, sorry mate can you give me more info as this a new ball game for me, was very good at building with a hammer and saw and later on telling people how to do it, but putting things together virtually, is all new, lol. Regards Neil. Kiosk Cabinet.plan
  18. Kbird1, Got the new LED strips and thanks, it has sorted some issues out but still have a few queries:- Once I put the lighting fixture into the cabinet, accessing it for modifications can only be done via a "cross section elevation", no amount of tab/selecting will work, which seems counter productive as any object in CA can be selected via a number of views. This is where the original strips you sent, gave me more problems. Have increased the size of the LED strip and want to add more fixtures, which I did via the "light data" menu box, I did a raytrace to see if it worked and it appears they haven't been added ( see attached pic ) can you clarify for me please. The LED strip is positioned top only, some illumination left of centre. Regards Neil.
  19. Kbird1, Got the fixtures and look great, just having some problems with positioning and for some reason I can't align the fixtures, ie:- 1. In 3D camera view I have the "light bar" located exactly in position, but in "floor plan" & "elevation" views its in a different location. 2. The "light source" is a different angle to the "light bar", but I guess this can be adjusted in the light source data menu box, once I get the above sorted. 3. It's height reference is to ceilings which I don't have on this project ( being a kiosk ) and in some views I have to click on the "light bars" reference away from the actual bar. I have had similar problems with other imported symbols but through manipulation have resolved these, but not this time can you help, regards Neil.
  20. X10 Been trying to achieve a concealed linear light source inside a display cabinet with no success, similar to using LED strip lighting. The lighting options only allow either a "point" or "spot" light irrespective whether its a downlight or fluro or manipulation of the light source data. Only fitting available from the library is "long surface mounted tube light" which again shows a single light source from the centre of the fitting. Doesn't appear to be any strip lighting in the Download Libraries. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Neil.
  21. Fellas, Brilliant, my sanity has been restored. See attached, feeling much better and will start playing with GIMP now, beats having to go through the same process with CA. Thank God for CA's forum, Neil.
  22. Mick, Have re-sent the floor plan with two samples of the carpet arrangement which is required ( see right side adjacent the entry counters ) the one on the right is a symbol created object and left one is a CA object creation, both of these are in my library, but I cant access these when I want to change the material definition Have also attached an image of the carpet tile as i have tried with several "photo applications" and I cant import 4 images to arrange a layout, if this was the case then I would be confident on solving the problem. Does this help you in any way, Neil.
  23. Think I am getting it:- CARPET I will have to provide CA a layout of the tile arrangement, say I setout 4 x 4 tiles in "Photoshop" or "Paint" and import them as a pic for my new material, I can then input the area of the pic into the materials dialogue, OK. I did stumbled across the Parquet layout when I mistakenly had the camera in Vector mode while doing a 3D viewing, so I know a bit more on what your telling me. PLANKING In the Pic I sent, I have just shown the standard Beech material from CA's library and specified them as a plank, which doesn't look too hot and not what I needed. The real material is a vinyl planking which I can source from the supplier, but obviously I will have to do as per above to get the proper 3D effect. Please confirm is this done in the "Define Material - Texture - Scale" boxes. Thanks heaps for your quick reply, Neil.
  24. X9 - Have imported a carpet tile ( 500 x 500 ) and can't show the patterns that I want. Checked a recent on line topic from a user and the respondents stated patterns should be changed in both the "pattern" & "texture" windows, I can see in the pattern window where the pattern is displayed and options provided, but in the texture window, the only additional info is by way of the x,y & angle which I presumed is meant for the pattern origin. In the texture source box i have included the location of the material, but nothing happens. I have similar problem with the beech flooring, ie the pattern doesn't show a planking detail. What other input in the Texture menu is required.
  25. Fellas, worked all weekend and finally came up with a good result, see attached:- The end panel on the right was my first try using a solid square section for the ali channels, on the left side I show ali channels and this was achieved from a single plain view which made it easier to design, store and retrieve for future use. The trick for me was to first establish a framed perimeter which defined on where/how other objects could be positioned and this was done by starting with the perimeter edging which was required to conceal the edges of the channels, from there it all fell into place. Being a novice with cad, the learning process will be a longer than I expected, but every component is building knowledge f or the next challenge. Thanks for the help todate, Neil.