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Everything posted by NeilofOZ

  1. John, It doesn't really matter how much light you give the area as I have done several attempts on doing this, the base colour is still grey only much lighter whereas the actual pavings are a creamy/brown tones which are obvious in the SR render.
  2. Mark thanks for your solution, worked a treat with the split windows on the centre section, I could insert triangular fillets where the mullions meet to match the window framing, but visually it looks OK as is, see pic. Regards Neil.
  3. Nothing received on my original query, any suggestions.
  4. Logged into to support and got the back-up procedure and:- 1.File size too large, Max size allowed is 2MB per file 2.The Back-Up file was saved in WinRAR, which I don't have a license, can this be done at CA's end.
  5. Graham, initially I tried to send the plan file but its size is too large ( 12MB ) so unless someone can give an alternative path, then I guess this will end up as a stalemate, I have a presentation tomorrow, so I'll just have to talk my way around the software's deficiencies. Thanks heaps for your input todate. Regards Neil.
  6. Graham, thanks for the feed back and understand where you are coming from, however I am happy to accept one or the other, but the PBR would/should be the priority as this is the ultimate format that I would show to clients, so I still don't understand why I can't get the the PBR to an acceptable colour range and forgo any other variation to the SR. Every time I made changes, the PBR made only very slight modifications to colour tones and basically the base colour still being grey was the dominant colour, surely this is a glitch in the software and seeing that PBR is the premium format, how can I show clients a total different material colour that is different on what is required, I can understand variation to colour tones between the two renders, but nor the base colour, ie dark grey versus cream. Am i asking something that the software can't produce and if so, then this should be looked at by software engineers.
  7. Have set up a bay window and require the window sections to meet at 45degree as show in attached pic, however I can't get both sections ( left & right ) to meet the centre one, programme will only allow one to meet and if the opposite is connected, a masonry fillet appears on the opposite side. CA's programme assumes bay windows are design for framed walls with traditional casings & jambs, but no allowance to modify for aluminium windows, am I missing something? Bay Window, Plan.pdf
  8. Anyone out there who can shed some light on my paving issue?
  9. Chopsaw, been there done that as suggested, shifted Hue left and right accentuating green and red hues, pavings remain as is, grey in PBR beige in SR
  10. Chopsaw, The ceilings are white, that was the first thing I checked. The background is one of the CA "Backdrops" I have used, I did change this to white also, but nothing changed and at the moment the "Backdrop" is Öpen Fields", that is why there is a bright green colouring reflected on to the stainless steel. The back and left hand sides of the Alfresco are open so there is plenty of natural light coming in.
  11. Having issues with different material\colours between Standard and PB Renders. After setting the material and colour tones to an Alfresco BBQ area, found that I had two different colours to the brick pavings, ie in STANDARD RENDER the pavings are a cream colour, which is required, but in PBR the pavings are grey. Went to my User Group yesterday and no luck with them, see attached images of both renders, couldn't save the CA file as it's too large.
  12. Chopsaw, No probs, all good as it worked the second attempt, see attached, must of done something different this time. I use Twinmotion to add/enhance fixtures and landscaping. Regards Neil.
  13. The original question was about the issue of exporting the materials/textures into Twinmotion and the fact that I had done this, but only as a CA file. When importing any image into TM, similar to CA, the programme identifies that some finishes are missing and asks for the file holding the missing materials/Textures. Just finished a major reno and imported the project into TM and enhanced a lot of the landscaping with TM, with great effects, all of the original CA finishes were able to be imported into TM, via a separate folder which stored all finishes, I assumed that when exporting a CA library, the file format would be generic, not a CA Plan file. So, all i need is to be able to export all materials/textures into a generic folder that can be imported into TM See attached files, showing images todate.
  14. Chopsaw, I exported the original image while in 3D render mode, this was hi-lighted to me on Saturday. I have folders showing textures/materials on other projects, these must have been generated by CA during exportation!!!!, but not sure. Basically the Twinmotion image is all white with only one timber trim colour showing. I re-imported the Twinmotion ( dae.) back into CA, some additional colours came back with it, but no textures. Does this help.
  15. Further to my previous queries on the weekend, having difficulty in exporting the material/textures into a 3rd party software. I copied my Core Catalog of the Plan, then exported it to my desktop, but the file format is still a CA file, which Twinmotion doesn't recognize and according to the CA manual, "this file can be transfered to any storage device in an operating system window" It didn't work for me, Regards Neil
  16. One additional element missing when I opened up the 3D object in twinmotion, no textures or materials went with the image. How does one select, save and ensure these elements are transported into the dae file, have some custom finishes in my library also.
  17. Yep, I get it now, thought it wanted the actual file name, not the new name for its ID, thanks to all.
  18. OK, was in full camera view, then export to 3D Collada, all good Then in the menu for CA file selection there is a bar for the file name to enter with the *.dae following, assuming the CA file would be inserted here, but the programme doesn't let me to access any CA files to insert, ie it's asking for a DAE file format to insert which is what I am trying to achieve.
  19. Eric, no I wasn't, but am now and Collada export is hi-lighted. But now can't access the CA file to insert for conversion, Neil
  20. Need to import A CA file into a third party programme ( Twinmotion ), did one early last year, but the Collada option doesn't hi-light to activate, don't know why. Currently running with version X11, Neil
  21. We had our local User Group meeting today and I revisited the topic of using ELEVATION LINES in lieu of ELEVATION POINTS. The previous meeting the consensus was that ELEVATION LINES were the preferred method for altering terrain levels, but this seemed incongruous to me as both LINES and REGIONS can only have a single reference to their heights and the tutorials only use LINES from one side of a lot, to the other. I ended up using ELEVATION POINTS instead of LINES, as there were numerous entry points to the building, which made it difficult to re-shape the terrain to each of these areas, using a single reference for horizontal data to multiple points Ended up doing the following:- 1. Reset my contours to 1M. 2. Added ELEVATION POINTS along the contours, which allowed me to copy/paste the same data along each contour. 3. Removed all the contour lines 4. Created an TERRAIN HOLE to match the profile of the building 5. Placed a new TERRAIN POINT at each area that coincided at all entry points. 6. Where the terrain appeared out of kilt with the existing land, changed the original ELEVATION POINTS closest to new points, to nullify any obvious discrepancy. The result was far better than expected and allowed me to micro manage the terrain levels with the utmost accuracy. Have attached a picture as the plan is too large, showing new ELEVATION POINTS in orange, but would be interested in any comments that other Users may have.
  22. Chopsaw, when you say copy/paste or transform/replicate, are referring only to the plants or the building with the plants.
  23. NeilofOZ


    Have a terrain site plan and transposed a building onto it via a symbol which I created from another plan, every thing worked except the plants weren't included. On my first try, I realised the plant items weren't checked in the "Layer Section" "Display Options", but corrected this and still no plants. Files are too big to email both plans, but have attached the original plan that was copied as a symbol. Regards Neil. Sharrock_Ray_Trace_-_Copy_D_+_Entry_Portal.plan
  24. Chopsaw, This fixed up the background, but when converted to Jpeg and expanded, the pixcelation is too rough, however with the PDF image the image definition is good, no matter what size it's expanded to. I'll send both cad and PDF formats to my supplier, am sure one of them will be OK. See attached my PDF image and thanks for your help, regards Neil. Door Pocket.pdf
  25. Chopsaw, I just saved it as a PDF via the print format and it's OK, will send to client and see if he can use it, but he originally asked for it as Jpeg image, see attached. Regards Neil. Door Pocket.pdf