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  1. hi i buy a new computer and nned to transfer x14 to the new
  2. cherche a savoir si il y a des gens qui travaille avec se logiciel dans mon coin
  3. i try do make a dormer like the picture inside it,s a cathedral ceiling the top wall is 9-0 the wall for dormer are 2 feet hight the ceilling is flat i try to built the wall on the roof trust to support the dormer roof i try with dormer tool look video but cant make this i have chief architect x11
  4. when i draw a double front door with a window at the top of door in reel it in the same frame why in door and window schedule it create in quantity 2 door and in window schedule the window is add there it should create a door of 72" x 96" may be it ,s because i dont know how to do this i have chief architect x 11