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About Chris50

  • Birthday 03/08/1964

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    Billings, Missouri version X14

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  1. Hello, does anyone know how to make a sign to go on the side of a building?
  2. Hello, I am designing a high school football locker room and I need a wire mesh locker symbol and I was wondering if anyone has one that they would share with me. I use version 14. You can email it to me at i would very much appreciate it. thanks Chris
  3. Hello, I am designing a high school football locker room and I need a wire mesh locker symbol and I was wondering if anyone has one that they would share with me. I use version 14. You can email it to me at i would very much appreciate it. thanks Chris
  4. Yes, I know I need to upgrade, just not an option at the moment, extremely busy producing plans.
  5. Eric, do you have a solution for my problem??
  6. When I use tube railing it shows up as little pieces of tube and it is in the wrong direction. ???
  7. Hello everyone, I use version 8 and I am wanting to know how to use either cable or tube railing for stair railing. Can anyone help me out with this. I have a modern home and this is all that is holding me up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  8. Can any of you actually post a video of yourself working n a plan so I can see what working with 2 screens would look like? I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  9. So that new one that has the removable case and is completely configurable would work great with chief. I would have the one with minimum of 12 cores and tons of memory. I would think this thing is extremely fast especially when ray tracing.
  10. Hello folks. Just wondering if any of you that use 2 screens would explain how you use them. Like do you draw on one and have instant 3D going on on the other one? Thank you
  11. Hello everyone, long time since I’ve posted. I was just wandering if anyone is using an Apple Mac Pro computer and how they like it?
  12. The basic IMac pro comes with 32gb memory and 8 cores. Do you all think that going up to 10 cores would make it faster at rendering?
  13. Scott was it the basic iMac pro machine that you tested?