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Everything posted by Frenchy1

  1. I am also in Australia and have used chief since V10 yes along time and still love it. Chief has really improved as of late and I am hooked again. I have created my own a & l window library as that's who I use as a builder and standardised all the kitchen tools to create icons to drag and drop iconic with everything to Australia standards i.e blum hardware, fingerpulls ect ect which all takes alot of time but once done they are yours for life. Lots of fun
  2. MarcMc. thanks for the info. ill post a super quick video to help others or remind myself. there was a typo in the macro which should read %height-countertop_thickness-toekick_height% total height 900mm - 40mm countertop - 150mm kicker = 710mm (works a treat). Never really played with macros before but very interesting. Screen Recording 2024-10-30 204916.mp4
  3. wow thanks i will give it a whirl and thanks for posting a file also
  4. Hi Chiefs Does anyone know if it is possible to get a cabinet schedule to produce the actual carcass height i.e without toe kick or countertop as this is the measurement used when ordering cabinets on plastic feet. I see you have two height option in the schedule. one for box height which included toe kick and carcass and one full height which included toe kick, carcass and countertop. I realize you could probably draw without a toe kick then use a polyline solid to produce the toe kick to force the size to work but would be great just work from within chief???
  5. Hi All I am a user in Australia (10 years plus) and chief shows open indicators backwards for the standardized way we look at plans. the image below shows red lines how they look in Australia as the lines go from hinge side to handle. can this be changed in chief?? This is same on windows also
  6. kitchen.toolbarincase anyone else ever gets the issue import the kitchen.toolbar into chief C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X16 Data\Toolbars to get two columns that you can add whatever you want into a single toolbar
  7. Thanks everyone for looking. I'll have another look when I get back. update ...............ill just create the toolbar layout required in X13 then import into X16 (tried and it works) strange though
  8. i replicated the settings on the working x13 version and it didn't allow me to stack? must be a bug
  9. installed an old x13 copy and it works a charm Screen Recording 2024-10-27 093001.mp4
  10. Hi Team Chief Has anyone had the issue when creating custom tool bars in x16 that when in customize toolbars and you drag from tools to the plan file screen the tools do not stack into one toolbar but instead just create separate toolbars for each tool i drag over??? I am trying to make my own custom tool bar with multiple tools from the library items i have created over the years. i know how to place library button and create an icon but simply cant get them to stack. Thanks for looking Screen Recording 2024-10-27 071611.mp4
  11. downpipe tool would be real nice. sick of making my own also a brick sill tool to turn on and off
  12. me too. very annoying x 13. the only way i can now send elevations to layout is using the live view option which i cannot stand as it moves around the layout page. plot lines no longer works either. never had this issue ever. just happened yesterday. also this locks up chief which i have to go to task manager to restart