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  1. Alaskan_Son, Thank you much!!!
  2. Greetings. I'm sure someone has addressed this, but cannot find anything listed. I'm trying to print the roof from Plan View. However, the "lower" roof line is visible and should not be. I've attached a few views for your help. Roof Line.pdf Roof Veiw.pdf
  3. Alaskan_Son,

    You posted ("Change electrical symbols") on August 30, 2016.  Great post!!

    Is there a way to modify/delete the library object button.  I want to use another object, as well as another icon.

  4. Alaskan_Son, I realize this is an older thread, but great information!! Is there a way to modify/delete the library object button. I want to use another object, as well as another icon.
  5. Joe, Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Let me know how I can purchase the Custom Macro.
  6. I'm using a macro (%room.height.ceiling%) and would like to display in ft/inches, not in inches only.
  7. rlackore, Should have though of that myself - thank you much!
  8. Is it possible to turn off Auto Interior Dimensions and still leave Auto Exterior Dimensions on?
  9. solver and Greg_NY61, Thank you both for the suggestions! I tried unchecking the layers and it did not remove what I was wanting. Therefore, a drew a box w/t a fill and masked what i wanted to hide.
  10. Greetings! When I use a camera view as an elevation, the foundation/footings are shown - see attached. I would like for these not to be shown. Front Elevation.pdf
  11. I feel like a fool. You are absolutely correct!
  12. I tried searching the forum but was not able to find anything on how to "un" mull a window. I have a window that i need to remove the mull on and need help.
  13. No worries! Duh! I just realized I had the Walls, Attic turned off.
  14. Chopsaw, Thank you for looking into this! I've tried finding the "residual attic wall" but cannot?