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  1. FYI... I got those projections to disappear only by changing the room designation to deck from balcony. Not accurate but the projections are gone.
  2. I'm not sure where these came from! If I select the one on the left, it says it's part of the front second story balcony 'room' (to the left of it) while the protrusion on the right is from a second story balcony 'room' that is clear on the back of the house! Any idea what's happening? I've tried deleting the walls surrounding the balconies and redrawing them but the protrusions come back. Thank you
  3. I use a laptop and a larger monitor. Your reference to display configuration helped. I had my larger monitor set up as the main display which may have caused the problem. I just now reset my laptop to be the main display and the dialog box now appears. I'm not sure how you "reset dialog sizes". Would that allow me to keep my larger monitor as the main one?
  4. I'm not sure when this happened because it used to work..... but, when I launch my ray trace assistant, the dialog box doesn't come up. I use dual monitors and have closed all other programs to make sure it's not hiding anywhere. I can tab and return enough to finally get my curser back but can't access the assistant itself. Any ideas? Thanks....
  5. That works like a charm! I've been using CA for almost 10 years and still learn new things. Or maybe I knew them and forgot them?!?! Thanks again.
  6. I apologize... I used the wrong terminology. I am creating an electrical 'legend' and need to add the fixtures. Editing the symbol and changing it to floor mounted worked. I guess I've never edited a symbol before and was opening the 'object' not 'symbol' so couldn't find placement options. Thank you
  7. Hi, I'm trying to update my electrical schedule with all the fixtures I'm using on a plan. Some of the electrical symbols require a wall to be able to be placed on the plan. How can I get a copy of the symbol to place in my schedule without having to add a wall to do it? Thanks
  8. Thank you for your response. I guess what I really meant was that the outside line of the foundation/slab was not showing up. Only the interior dashed line of the footing. I've figured out a work around. I've never used saved plan views. I've always used layer sets to accomplish what I needed. Since your response, I've watched a few videos but am confused why saved plan views would do anything more than layer sets and active defaults. You still have to set up layer sets for saved plan views. It seems redundant. What am I missing? Thanks Thanks`
  9. I've never done monolithic slabs and am having issues with the foundation plan. This is a house for southern Florida so has 8" exterior block walls. For some reason, only the garage and common walls with patios are showing up. For the life of me I can't figure out why the exterior walls of the house are invisible. They are the same wall type. I need all the foundation plan walls to look like what the garage walls are showing. I'm sure I'm missing something.... Thanks Beth
  10. I have a small barndominium I need finishing up. Not a big job.  Will take 5-10 hours max.  I'm just a selfie and I am now stuck.  How much do you charge per hour? 

  11. #3 worked to bring up the 1/2" of slab floor height but then my walls bottoms were off. #2 worked for those. I've been using this program for 7 years and haven't even begun to use all the options and commands. I wasn't aware those were even available. I do now and know they'll be very helpful. I've been adjusting the wall heights manually. You learn something new every day!!! Thanks again.
  12. I'm stumped.... I am working on a 4-plex on a sloped site so the floor levels of each unit are different. On the left end unit, when I try to change my standard basement floor level from -119 5/8" to -95 5/8" it works in all the 'rooms' but won't stay changed in the 1/2" space between the firring walls and the foundation walls. I've tried changing a firred wall to have no room definition so it included the 1/2" space but then the whole room goes back to the -199 5/8". I've tried everything I can think of and it just won't stay at -95 5/8". I've moved the footings up to the proper location but as you can see in the .pdf view, the windows are 24" too low and the slab in that 1/2" space is 24" too low. I can't seem to figure out how to get it to appear accurately. I've included the plan file just in case. I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks btw... I'm using CA Premier X12 firred space floor.pdf Building 16-50 51 52
  13. Thank you. It was off by so little I couldn't see it. Thanks.