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Everything posted by DBearss

  1. I have an exterior stair on the outside of a building that services the second floor. With no room or floor above How do I get the stair to show on the second floor?
  2. Never mind. Found it in symbol specification dbx under options.
  3. So I created separate fixture and plumbing schedules. I see the washing machine is placed on the plumbing fixture schedule When it should be on the fixture schedule. Is there a way to change which schedule it show up on?
  4. Ah delete the railings would have deleted the stairwell. Got it. Thanks.
  5. How is a stairwell deleted? Got it to move by adjusting the wall at the head of the stairs.
  6. I have created a simple straight stair and a stairwell opening. I needed to move the stair and the stairwell did not update. I selected the stair and then Edit>Auto Stairweel but there is a little wall created in the stairwell opening. Do I need to delete the stairwell before updating?
  7. Thanks all. Will learn the frame of mind of keeping the original layer sets and meddling with copies,
  8. I thought I had an understanding of the Annotation and Layer sets but I apparently got clouded from 15 years working in ArchiCAD where the layer display does not affect the layer settings. A plot plan "work set" seems like a reasonable workaround but am seeing that the annotation sets are the real control??
  9. I have a plot plan layer set. While working on plot plan I turned off some layers in layer display options. When I want to go back to my plot plan layer set I find that the layers I have turned off in layer display options are now turned off in my plot plan layer set. Why would that be as it makes no sense in layer control management.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I have fiddled around a bit more and yes with a new file all works correctly. therefore this may as mentioned be a corrupt file. Will do a workaround to get sills in manually and pay closer attention to defaults in the future.
  11. Shane even if I go and delete foundation and revise foundation defaults to 25-1/2" it still builds to 40 5/8". This is very confusing. Am curious as to what you mean by a "ghost". Can I not go back and change default settings once I get to a certain point?
  12. We typically use a 24" tall stem wall however when I build my foundation with default wall height set to 25-1/2" with sill plate selected, CA builds walls 40-5/8" tall. Easy enough to revise but why and where can that be set to 25-1/2" default? Also cannot get any sill plates to build even though they are set to build in defaults. Hightower_fndn rebuild.zip
  13. Wait. What? Y'all skipped over something here. Remember, newbie. Am fiddling with a bifold and haven't found the pass through. So I discovered the "doorway" option. Duh. Why would the bifold be an advantage over any other door?
  14. A doorway tool. Now that's newbie obvious! Thanks.
  15. I have placed a fireplace object but cannot figure how to create an opening in the wall. I searched the library and found opening objects but cannot place that either. Sure I am missing something simple. thanks in advance.
  16. Johnny thanks for the kind and helpful insight. The rooms concept is definitely sinking in and I even came up with a way to use rooms in a crawlspace to step the footings. Starting to come together.
  17. OK that got it to work. Thanks David. Any idea why that one section was wanting to reach up to the roof?
  18. OK tried that and fiddled with attic walls and got it to partially work. Not sure what is going on here at the lower roof. So why is this so difficult? Why cant I simply select a wall and enter in the height I want it to be?
  19. I have built a parapet wall with the railing tool with the railing set as a panel. Part of the parapet wants to connect to a shed roof above. Also odd that the wall at the opposite end of the parapet does not connect to that roof. Am a newbie so i might be missing something obvious.
  20. OK that makes sense. Thanks.
  21. Am looking to create a recessed shower pan and am wondering how this would be handled to get the floor framing to generate correctly.
  22. Cool. Thanks. Two walls it is!
  23. Am trying my first townhouse project and am curious as to the best way to create the double wall between units. Typically the wall would be two 2x6 walls with 1" airspace between. Do I create a wall type with all the elements or just draw 2 walls next to each other? thanks.
  24. Yup figured out to turn off Automatic height and unlock layer and was able to move freely. Thanks all 'till the next one ;-/