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  1. By the way, I'm trying to create a Hearth, not a footing.
  2. Thanks for your reply. Are you asking which video I watched to do this? if so: It says to create in 2D (Plan view) and edit in Cross section/Elevation view? i was the only video that shows up when I type in "Chimney" for video search?
  3. using X8 on a mac. I'm trying to create a fireplace like they show in the video's, but, It doesn't seem to work? [Let me elaborate] I want to create a sloped sided chimney with a second fireplace underneath (lower level). I have created a polyline solid (like shown in the videos), gone to a Cross section/elevation view to Clip/Trim the edge, but that tool isn't available in that view? Only in the 2D floor plan view? Thanks for your help! Also, I want to create a foundation (Lower) for this area as it will be a walk out/English basement? Do I need to wait to do that in the Plot Plan Terrain portion when I get there?
  4. Hi all. I'm having trouble trying to delete or adjust an object? (Hole in a roof plan). I'm trying to create dormers with curved roofs (Barrels). I've gone through the videos on doing this and have a fair idea on different ways it can be done, I've created a hole in the roof plane by creating a "Polyline" and converting it to an object (Hole in roof), but now I can't adjust or delete it? I've been successful on here with two other "Dormer roofs" (Auto Floating Roof Dormers), but this one I did by creating 2nd floor walls and cutting a hole in the roof (Seems to have more control on making a dormer?). More detail: The roof is based on the first floor walls but the dormers are on the second. I can highlight the roof on the first floor plan view but when I highlight it and try to delete it, it shows up again on the 3D views?
  5. Thanks Renerabbitt! That was it. I had the lines and colors (Slightly transparent) so they go lost in the transfer! All fixed and can now re-submit!! DzinEye, Save as pdf!
  6. Ok, I'm baffled?? I am in revisions request from the village on my permit application. One of the things is the Wall detail. I have created a "Wall Legend", explaining all these details. It looks fine. I go to transfer it to pdf for printing, it looks fine. Once it is transferred, it changes???? It leaves out some of the details they are looking for? I am attaching "Screenshots" so you can see the stages and the variations I'm dealing with. The first & second are, active Layout page showing wall legend detail & wall detail on layout drawing. The third and forth are, wall legend & wall detail in Print preview as I'm sending it to PDF. The fifth and sixth are what actually comes out in the pdf version???
  7. Thanks! The page numbering thing I had fixed already (Many ways to skin a cat, so to speak), but the scaling thing is good. How do I then get that to the "Layout set" in a certain location (Title block scale:) easier than sending the whole page and cropping it down then moving it into place on page "0"?
  8. Yes, Layout is where I create a "Layout" template. But, I was answering to the previous comment about using instead of what (I believe) you posted referring to it as %view.label%? ............OK, I found Label vs name in the drop downs. Seems to function ALMOST the same, except that, label pulls from Label: and Name, pulls from Selected page. Which is why I change all the verbage to Page vs P. When I first did this, It showed up as "Page" vs "P" because I didn't realize where exactly it was pulling from. So, to make it easier, I changed the verbiage. (Plan vs Layout) Was possible trying to pull the plan page information because I'm pulling from multiple plans for this layout. So now that this has all been changed and working OK (showing the correct information) it shows a flaw in the system (At least in my opinion?). Because everything has to be done on "Page 0" of the layout to automatically generate into the following pages, my "Layout Page Table" shows the first line as being blank, (See below)Page 0. But for now, it's good enough. No advice on the scaling issue?
  9. That's the way it comes up in my system?? Should I be picking the info from a different area?
  10. Duh! Thanks! That's what I'd refer to as, A "Brain Fart"! Thanks! All fixed and I appreciate your help! As for the scaling thing? I believe I'm correct on the scaling printing correctly but, changes as working in plan while zooming in and out? Is there a way to make it display what it will print out no matter what scale I'm working on (Zoom screen)? Thanks again!
  11. I thought I did that....must have posted the wrong one? Did a few screenshots and saw that one, but apparently, I didn't delete it. Thanks!
  12. I have no idea where that is?? ..............OK I found it, I think, It's blank?? What I found was, "Marker defaults - Default". Is that what you put up? I'm not as worried about the scale because, when I print it, it should be correct on printed page, but, yes, I need to work on that as well. What I am having a problem with is, Referencing the page layout through the "insert" arrow for the text box?
  13. Here is my (In progress) Template. My CA Version is: Premer X 8. M & S Homes 11 x 17.layout
  14. Kbird1, what part of the layout? The whole file? Signatures, Again, is there something other than the "Computer Type" & "Chief Architect" version you are looking for?