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About ShowmeCHIEF

  • Birthday 05/31/1974

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  1. Thanks guys, I really like the symbol method Solver, that combined with treatments dialog makes it automatic enough.
  2. Hey guys, I am trying to find the location within the settings/defaults to influence the apron size, & profile. I could certainly create cad moldings as a work around but that would get pretty tedious. Any suggestions?
  3. Hey guys, I am trying to find the location within the settings/defaults to influence the apron size, & profile. I could certainly create cad moldings as a work around but that would get pretty tedious. Any suggestions?
  4. Mick, Thanks for the suggestion, I did find some usable textures at and I found some arabesque tile images I made use of. I was trying to use your suggested method with Paint and copying, manipulating images but I have very little experience with that software so it was a struggle. I'm going to have to learn it because I am constantly not satisfied with textures from capture tool. searching for seamless textures or tile-able images definitely improved the materials creation results. Thanks for the help!
  5. I just made a CAD block of the tile shape, can I convert this into a material? Marlow Tile CAD block.calibz
  6. Hey guys, do any of you know some good resources for additional materials? I am often in need of additional tile patterns and flooring materials to make my designs more realistic. I have used the capture tool to create several times but the repeats just do not look good. For example floor materials just look repetitive in an unrealistic way. For example, I want to make a tile material/pattern for this attached picture. I also attached a pic from a plan showing the floor material created via screen capture tool, you can see how it repeats in a way that does not make a very good presentation. How do I make these more realistic. Thank you in advance for any help.
  7. Michael, Can I just move them down without redrawing them ?
  8. I did that but doesnt seem to have made any difference, not sure what that option does?
  9. Hey guys, I have a deck that has its edge perch directly over a retaining wall. The retaining wall's zenith seems to be interfering with my deck structure. Any suggestions? Deck Plan 1.0.plan
  10. Thanks guys, I will try this new hole to polylinefeature.
  11. Hey guys and Gals, does anyone now how to get deck rooms or balconies over a terrain without it cutting a whole? No problem with decks only, but when I make a room with roof & walls, then it cuts terrain below. Some advice would be helpful. Thanks Premier X10
  12. Good morning guys, I,m going to work on this today, trying to figure out where to start right now. I think I may find training video on creating symbols, since I have not done that at all.
  13. Chop & Solver, thanks for the suggestions here. I,ve only been using Cheif for about 9 months so I dont totally follow but I am going to give a try. Thanks
  14. Here is an image of what I am trying to do, My ceiling is vaulted (less pitch than the roof). anyone know how?