Computer trouble when editing materials


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When I have spent a lot of time in a plan, many different materials have been used and replaced, and I'm down to the final revisions and details, my beast of a computer has quite a bit of lag when editing materials.  It doesn't matter whether I've edited a texture or a pattern, any time I make a change to a material it will go through several different cycles of 3D building and finalizing (12 of them is not uncommon).  I'll usually be waiting 20 to 30 seconds each time which most definitely adds up when you're trying to get tile patterns placed and colors adjusted.


Is this something anyone else experiences?  Are there any changes to my settings, plans, or hardware that might help?


Here are the specs for my rig...


Processor - Intel Core i7-4790K @ 4 Ghz

RAM - 16.0 GB

Graphics - NVIDIA Quadro K2200

Primary Hard Drive - 128 Gb SSD drive  (only 15Gb free, which could be the problem right there)

Secondary Hard Drive - 1 Tb Toshiba hard drive


Any ideas?



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