Exposed Truss


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I have drawn a front porch with an exposed truss gable. I used poly boxes and lines on the front elevation. I need to draw a detail on the plan page. I highlighted it and made it a cad detail and now have it on plan page.My question is how do I know what scale it will be when printed? In other words the house is 1/4= 1'-0" but I want the detail at least 1/2" per foot possible 1" per ft.

Thank you ahead of time

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It would probably be a good idea to attach the plan and layout so we could see exactly what you're doing, but...

If you sent to layout correctly, you should have been able to specify scale when the Send To Layout dbx popped up...



If you failed to do that, simply select the Layout Box and click the Rescale Layout View button in the edit toolbar...


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  On 3/21/2016 at 9:22 PM, Green1 said:

attachicon.gifChief Architect Premier X3_ Stutzman.pdf I'm not even sure how to send attachments. I haven't sent anything to layout yet. I'm just confused how to draw it? Dimension members as I want them? A 2x8 7 1/4 then change it in layout? Can you have 2 scales on the same page? This plan is to small to have a detail page.

Yes. You can have multiple scales on the same page. The idea is that you draw everything as accurately as possible in the plan and then send views to layout. I would recommend you read up a little more, watch some of the various tutorial videos, and/or hire a tutor.

Also, take advantage of Help>Launch Help. Search "Layout" and read up on some the various topics.

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And here's how you post the plan...


-Save the plan

-Close the plan

-Zip the plan (right click>send to compressed folder).  This step really isn't even necessary for most plans. 

-Attach the plan to your post using "more reply options">Browse>Attach This File


If the plan file is too big, save as a different name and then delete whatever isn't necessary from the plan and try the above steps one more time...OR use Dropbox.

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