X6 Exporting to .stl


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Has anyone tried exporting to .stl yet?...


Just wondering if there are any tips or tricks to get this to work correctly.


I was going to have our local High School Drafting Department do a 3D print for us, and I exported to .stl and had him import the file.  He said when he went to "pack it up" for the printer, it was missing some of the objects?...or something like that??


It was a pretty basic 3D model (I've attached the plan), so I guess I'm not really sure what the proper procedure is.

FINAL PLAN.planFetching info...

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Yeah, I did.  It looks like it turned out ok, but he said there's another step they have to take to get from the .stl format to the 3D printer.


In this other step, he said it misses a lot of the 3D objects.


I guess I'm really unfamiliar with the whole process and didn't know if anyone else has tried it...successfully.

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