Need help creating tower (room) thru multiple floors


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I have a central room which will serve basically as a stairwell that extends thru two floors, but the room is actually a 3-story tall stone-and-mortar tower with a room at the top (yes, like a castle).

I have the room created on the first floor, but it's not showing as extending through the upper floors.

What settings do i check to make sure that it's one continuous tower, and it shows in each floor?


I've tried searching through these forums and the help manual, but I must not be using the correct search terms. It seems like a simple problem, but I'm not finding a solution.

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as "they" say one man's ceiling is another man's floor. Keep in mind if you try to analyze every thing there is to build and every way to do it you'd never get anything done. The easiest way I do it is build that perimeter as you suggest. This can be anything you want that defines an area. Railings, room dividers, wall etc. Then spec the area you want open to open below. If you want a continuous wall in the tower then open the dbx for the walls (group select) open structure and make the walls balloon framing. May not be "intuitive" but it works for me. Hope this helps.

3 floor.png

rm spec.png

wall spec.png

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