American Trees


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It seems like Chief would have a great looking set of American Trees and plants. Common ones that are found in many yard in the US. This way you could use the common flowers that landscapers use in 3d.


  • Oak: Known as the national tree of the United States
  • Ash: A common hardwood tree in North America
  • Cherry: A common hardwood tree in North America
  • Maple: A common hardwood tree in North America
  • Poplar: A common hardwood tree in North America

Red Maple

Loblolly Pine

Sweet gum

douglas fir

Quaking Aspen
sugar maple

bossom fir

flowering dogwood

lodgepole pine 

white maple 









Low Scape Mound® Aronia

North Pole® Arborvitae

Pugster Blue® Butterfly Bush

Sprinter® Boxwood

Smooth Hydrangea




Rose Chrysanthemum Gerbera
Poppy Tulip Hibiscus
Sunflower Lilac Marigold
Lamium/Dead-nettles Datura/Devil's Trumpet Columbine
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We actually already have most of those.  You should check out the Plant Chooser under Terrain>Plant>Plant Chooser


You can search using the Common name and then view results using either the Common Name or the Scientific Name (which is how the plants are named in the library).  And if the Library Window is already active, you'll see the Library item automatically selected when you select through the Plant Chooser...






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