Elevation Tags Not Displaying Correct Sheet Info


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Making the jump from Revit and so far loving it.

My question today is about Elevation tags.

I set up my Layout sheet with the Macro on the page number as such A%page%

Intent being to insert an "A" before the sheet number (common where I am at to differentiate architectural from other types of sheets)

In layout it works perfectly, displaying the letter "A" with sequential numbers as I hit the arrow buttons and move through sheets. However on my Callout Elevation Tags the letter "A" is missing from the sheet info

Attached is a COMPOSITE image of my page number not matching the callout. The callout actually lives on a different sheet.





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Where exactly are you putting that "A%page%" macro?  I'm assuming that you're putting it on the actual layout page somewhere as a text box.  What you probably should be doing is going to your layout page, clicking the Edit Page Information tool, and then putting "A#" into the Label field.  Then back on page 0 (or on your template page), place the %layout.label% macro where you currently have "A%page%". 


What you're currently seeing is that Chief with automatically label those camera callout labels using the actual sequential page number unless you have a Layout Page Label specified.  If you specify a label, then it will use that instead.  In the Layout Page Label, you can specify any desired prefix followed by the # symbol and Chief will automatically number any pages with that that same prefix, so if you have 3 pages labeled "A#", they would show as A1, A2, and A3 and you would see the same thing in your callout.  You can use a different prefix on another page for example ("S#") and the numbering will start back at one (S1, S2, S3, etc.).

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