ICF Walls, wood top plate, trusses on top. How?


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I've designed a simple house made with ICF walls and wood trusses. I want to add a 2x12 mudsill/top plate to the ICF walls, but I'm having trouble with the trusses bearing on top of the mudsill.


I made a wall type, and I can add the mudsill by using a Wall Cap, but the trusses seem to ignore the Wall Cap. If I convert the concrete layer to a framing layer with a top plate, it doesn't seem to build a top plate.


I've used manual trusses and am rebuilding framing after each change. Other changes render fine.


Any ideas on how to add a wood top plate to an ICF wall, and have the trusses move up 1.5" to bear on the top plate?


Regards, Byron




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  • Solution
15 minutes ago, ByronVallis1 said:


Any ideas on how to add a wood top plate to an ICF wall, and have the trusses move up 1.5" to bear on the top plate?



I happen to be working on one right now. Just make a pony wall with the upper wall 1.5" lower than your wall height. Mine is on the second floor so that is why my elevation of lower wall top is so high. 



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