I need help with roof and ceiling design on the expansion portion of my home


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Hi Everyone, We are planning an expansion on the back of our home.  I have designed the overall layout and configuration of the rooms. We have a two-story home with 8-foot ceiling height in the existing home.  I would like to get 9-10 foot ceiling height in the expansion portion, but I need help on the transition from existing 8-foot ceiling height to the taller ceiling height. Can someone help me with drawing different styles and show me what it would look like in the camera view, or tell me how I can draw it?  The windows on the second floor can be moved or eliminated, if necessary to get the right look.  I attached my drawing here.  All help is greatly appreciated! 

Kitchen Rear 9-11-2024 v. 6.0 plans_auto_save_bak.zip

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Before delving any further you should clean up your drawing by finding and deleting the objects (a stove, invisible walls, etc) that are way out in the never never.

Delete those invisible angled walls in the kitchen if not needed.

Toggle on auto roofs.

Make any edits as required by using the roof controls and other techniques and watch what happens in a 3D view as you work.



Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 4.59.31 pm.jpg

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