Roof Lines


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I'm a cabinet designer so 99% of my work is interior.  But, I am working on this addition project on this house. 


How can I re-create this roof line with the chimney portion of this house running through the roof without it creating it's own gable roof? If someone could help me with the proper settings I would really appreciate it.  Once I get the existing conditions, I am going to be looking to extend this roof line out an additional 15'. 


Thank you in advance. 



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Make the fireplace chase "room" 20' tall temporarily and uncheck roof over this room on the structure tab.  The long walls of the FP need to be gable roof.


Then create your room addition and you should see the fireplace sticking out of the roof.


Then take a cross section and change the FP room height to 2 feet min. Above the ridge, per code.  14'-15' is what it looks like in your picture.


There's a chimney cap in the library that I often use or I will draw a slab and place it to act as a cap.  You could also place a roof with 1/12 slope and reduce the overhangs to 4" to give a similar look.


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