Layout Missing Files from PC to MAC OS in X15


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Hoping someone else has encountered similar issues while creating a Layout in PC and then exporting entire Layout/Plan Files to MAC OS. 


I created an entire project on a PC and exported (I thought) all files to flash drive. I tried opening the Layout file from a MacBook Pro, and encountered numerous windows indicating that X15 was missing files and attachments?


Question: How do you export the "entire" project from PC to a MAC OS with all attachments, PDF's, Plan files, etc. remaining intact?


Edited by DHerb2014
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I just went through the same thing as you a couple of months ago switching from PC to Mac. If I understand your dilemma correctly, you only need to copy those individual files to your Mac. For instance, in my default layout template I have a company logo png. Every time I opened that layout file chief would warn me that the logo png was missing. I copied the file to my Mac and then the next time that I opened that layout file chief gave me the option to replace that "missing" file with the one that I copied over. Other than that, your Mac can read and edit  any plan or layout files that were created on the PC.

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Thanks for the comment. I'm having difficulty with most of the Plan files and images not copying over. Tried "Backup Entire Plan" thinking this would copy everything to the flash drive. It didn't work.

Edited by DHerb2014
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