Rescheck for Basement Finish…


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I’m going to preface this by saying this is super silly to require for several reasons… however a building department in Colorado (2021 codes) has requested a Rescheck report for a basement finish project. Does anyone have experience with this type of input for Rescheck? Tips to help me comply or explain how this is not a silly request are welcome and appreciated ❤️


Context on scope of work:
No existing conditioned areas will be modified, no new openings for exterior doors or windows, no replacement fenestration, and the concrete foundation walls have an insulation blanket installed by the builder when the house was constructed in 2015. 

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Sometimes you can bypass the Rescheck requirement by citing the code and going with the 'perscriptive' option which requires a certain minimum insulation/windows/etc. In michigan there's an option on the energy compliance sheet that you just check a box and you're good.


If you have to do some exporting, I find (on a mac) that you can just export the 'thermal envelope data' and plug it into rescheck online version and it's pretty simple.

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  • 2 months later...



Unfortunately this jurisdiction did not allow for any way to exempt you from a Rescheck report, this might be because they recently changed over to 2021 IRC.


Apparently this project type is not allowed to use the prescriptive method… I cannot remember if that was in the Rescheck Alteration guide or if that was per this jurisdiction… In this case, exporting data from a Chief architect file would not work for this one without major editing/deletions since everything but a couple windows are staying the same and I really don’t know for sure what the existing building shell assemblies, insulation types or fenestration energy ratings actually are.) **If someone knows a way to creatively configure Chief settings to make this work, please share.*

Ultimately, I got a Rescheck report figured out via manual input with a bunch of tweaks in Rescheck’s project and individual element settings. If anyone runs across this post as 2021 codes are adopted and wants the details of how I did this - feel free to reach out :)

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  • 3 months later...

Tinadelllic, I'd like to take you up on your offer - I'd like to know how you managed to get RESCheck to pass (Could you share your REScheck file with me?)... I have a similar conundrum.  Kyle is correct, one could always use the prescriptive code and RESCheck would not be required. Unfortunately not all building officials got that memo (or actually read the code which explains why they can't require a RESCheck when the prescriptive code is shown to comply on the plans.  My email is if you are willing to reach out with help - thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I realize its late to respond, I've been busy and just read this.


Having dealt with Colorado codes for many years, The best thing to do for the RES-Check requirement on a basement finish is to set it up just as you would for a new basement. You will find, as I did, it takes every possible measure to overcome even one of the basement requirements. EG: I had a finished basement without insulation under the slab. All my added insulation points such as roof and exterior wall barely got the project by. The code boys there know this and if you try to present the basement alone it usually will not pass since the basement slabs are almost always existing and without insulation. Make sense?



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