Glazed cabinets-sort of


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Somebody asked me about this since supposedly the NKBA (i9n all it's wisdom) is asking for this on the test ??? I'd just spec it IRL, seriously. Two quickies here and the plans after I mucked about a bit.


In any case it can be cheated a bit using line drawing on top of a PBR- but that puts line on everything.


A somewhat better method is to do a save as of the plan, in second plan delete the cabinets, and use a referenced display in 3D with special layer sets for each. The cabinets really need to be the camera you start with to get the RTRT with lines. the rest is done in standard. You could of course do both in standard and only one with lines. WARNING- computer can get a little funky when making these adjustments and can be frustrating YMMV



As I've noted before IN REAL life trying to produce this is a dangerous and useless waste of time. Dangerous since it raises unreasonable expectations by the client who should be selecting finishes from real life-ALWAYS. Useless waste of time-as if KD's don't have enough to do getting a job sold and out the door, now expect them to do the work of a dedicated renderer for the same money they are getting ? So glad I decided to skip the test back when it was a wee bit more civilized.

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