Chief Library


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chief is one of the best software designer i have seen ,lately i downloaded 

over 10 cad programs.............. result.... the chief is by far the best when it goes to architect designing 

walls windows doors

but to make a fast design you should be able to create your own library of pre  configured items

does any one know if you can do that and if you can ....pls How

other thing would be nice to have the length and the angle of a line or wall attached to your 

courser like auto-cad does its much easier to enter the length and the angel while you draw


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Chief uses a different method for drawing walls and it works very well


watch some of the training videos and once you understand the method

it will be "easy"


yes, you can create your own library of items


you can copy the ones provided for Chief and modify them and save them in the user library

you can import from vendors and from the google warehouse

you can make your own in Chief  or other software like Sketchup



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