Move/Rotate Rooms Within Same File


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I am trying to rotate a small section of a plan I have drafted up and am having issues retaining the room info (i.e. fill & structure) as well as the placement of electrical entities. I've highlighted all of it, and since I do not have the option to rotate in the "Transform/Replicate Object" tool I've tried to mirror it twice (vertically, then horizontally). Whenever I do this (or move it) the room info resets, and the electrical jumps around to different walls. I've thought of making it a block first, but it does not give me that option either.


The same issues happen when I copy and paste it into another .plan file. I've attached a pic of the plan section I'm trying to manipulate. 


I'm using Chief Architect Premium x11. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated! 

Move and Rotate Issue.png

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