ceiling height issue and building section


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Attached is plan I am having issues with.an existing building I am designing beauty saloon . removiing exising dropped 10' ht.  ceiling and

adding new celing at 12 ft ht wit 2x12 jsts at 16" o.c. spanning 20 ft 2" and resting on a 2x12 ledger bm (top at 12 ft) then gyp bd covering it continuous on each side of lease spacd.


15 ft off floor to btm of exist  6"x24in steel beams at 60" o.c. goint front to back of lease space. with 12" steel bar joists going side to side on top of them. then built up roof.


You can see the cross sedtion is not right. I put dimensions whter things is surpose to be. You can see camera of one space is not showing ceiling at 12' ht.  


Thanks if you can assists. 


Building sect..png

ceiling ht. .png

Prelim. Floor plan 04.17.2017.pdf

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