How to draw concrete precast 5' frost wall with Chief?


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Hi Solver,


The precast wall will sit on 12" of 1b compacted limestone.  Inside the limestone will be a drain on either side of the wall.  The limestone will sit on virgin soil.  The wall is 5' high.  The depth of the dig will be 52".  So 52" - 12" of limestone means the precast wall will protrude above grade by 20".


I'm trying to include that in my drawing.

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I'm not sure if you're mixing up your terminology or if you're just doing something very different but you seem to be using the terms "precast wall", "frost wall", and "footer" interchangeably which seems questionable to me.  A picture of what you're doing would really help. 

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10 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:

I'm not sure if you're mixing up your terminology or if you're just doing something very different but you seem to be using the terms "precast wall", "frost wall", and "footer" interchangeably which seems questionable to me.  A picture of what you're doing would really help. 

I'm sure I'm mixing up the terms as I'm not a pro.  Here's a link to a video that will shed some light:


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5 minutes ago, solver said:

Please start by telling us what software you are using as good answers depend on it.


Please post images here for us to look at. A link is helpful for greater detail, but make things easy by posting a picture.


Are you wanting to represent these walls in 3D views, or for construction drawings, or both?


If for 3D views, how accurate do you want them to be?


Do you want to show the joints between panels?. The recess in the back of the panel etc.

Okay, here you go.


Software: I'm using X8 Premier

Wall representation: both


3D view accuracy: okay is good enough.


Show joints or recess: No


Goal: The goal is to create my own architectural drawings for a building permit and accurate enough to satisfy a Code Enforcement Officer


Pictures: I've attached it.  It is a four view of the foundation wall object I'd like to make.


I want to create a foundation wall object like the one below that will be accurate.  Or at least modify an existing one. 


It doesn't have to be a custom object.  You tell me what's best!





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2 minutes ago, solver said:

Your floor structure will rest in the recess on the back side?


What does the floor structure look like?

More details:  The building is a 32 x 40 man garage built on grade with an apartment above it.  The floor that will go in the notch is a 4" concrete floor.  The wall will rise above the concrete floor by 12"-16" so I can clean items in the garage without messing up drywall.  The garage will have a rough height of 10'.  The 4" concrete floor will utilize radiant heat to heat the garage.  That same boiler will heat the apartment.

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