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  1. tundra_dweller's post in Automatic truss modelling advice/help was marked as the answer   
    I've run into this a few times and I always just end up building a truss in an area where it works, lock the truss envelope and copy the truss as needed to get the point across in the plans. Or sometimes even make a separate temp square building the size I want and lock the envelope on that truss and copy it to the actual building. Parallel chord trusses seem to be especially fussy.
    Where I am the truss company will end up doing detailed shop drawings anyway so I don't usually try to get my truss details down to the knat's ass level of detail, but more refinement of Chief's truss building functions would be much appreciated.
  2. tundra_dweller's post in X15 crashing on PBR walkthrough was marked as the answer   
    Could it have something to do with the recent issues with Intel processors? It looks like you are using a 14th gen processor.
  3. tundra_dweller's post in Display posts on railing in plan view was marked as the answer   
  4. tundra_dweller's post in Pony wall issue was marked as the answer   
    I think it has to do with however that original wall was created or copied being the problem. I created a new wall from scratch, 1 layer of brick 8" thick and it works fine. Something about that original wall was causing a 12" offset down, you can see the 4" concrete core doing the same thing in those last pics I posted. The wall in the edited plan attached doesn't do that.
  5. tundra_dweller's post in Auto Roof Question - One Big Roof over "Jogging" Exterior Wall was marked as the answer   
    Good evening Jim, It should be entirely possible to auto roof this using invisible walls with room definition properties, or if you want to dive a little deeper check out Roof Baseline Polylines in the help files.
    I would probably use a hybrid method of auto roof to start and then turn off auto roof and manually adjust the roof edges as needed. I would probably use a normal exterior wall to define the outermost boundaries of the roof, then turn off auto roof and adjust manually from there.
  6. tundra_dweller's post in How to relabel a 3D solid, give it a name and a symbol category name. was marked as the answer   
    I think you'll also want to change the 3D solid's layer to "Footings, Post" in the Line Style dialogue.



  7. tundra_dweller's post in Missing Catalog Item - "The Selected Object Could not be Loaded" was marked as the answer   
    I've seen that on a few other objects (don't remember which objects) I was looking at after some recent library updates. My assumption is they were created at Chief using a version of X16 and added to the bonus catalog updates.
  8. tundra_dweller's post in Reversing "Zoom" direction on the mouse scroll wheel? was marked as the answer   
    I don't see a simple way to do it with win10 or win11, which is kind of silly, but this might be worth a shot? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/set-the-mouse-scroll-direction-to-reverse-natural/ede4ccc4-3846-4184-a86d-a028515040c0
    For what it's worth, I use a Logitech g604 mouse and you can use the Logitech pc app to change the scroll direction and customize the buttons pretty easily.
  9. tundra_dweller's post in Notched trim at mulled angled windows was marked as the answer   
    I've run into this before but I can't remember exactly what the solution was. Do you have lintels on any of the windows before you mull them? If so try without the lintels.
    I've found that with these types of window configurations it's sometimes easier and more accurate to turn off exterior casings, go to elevation view and get a cad detail from view, draw a polyline around the perimeter of the ganged window frames, offset the line for whatever reveal you want, copy>paste/hold position the p-line to your elevation view, then convert the p-line to a molding polyline to create your casing.
    It would be really nice if we had control for each individual side of casings per window. On or off, different widths and thicknesses.
  10. tundra_dweller's post in Reference Display Question was marked as the answer   
    Jim - try checking the "'details" box in the reference view dbx.

  11. tundra_dweller's post in Dimensions was marked as the answer   
  12. tundra_dweller's post in Trying to delete a Wall Type but it is in use, how can I find the culprit was marked as the answer   
    How about creating a wall schedule, then select the offending wall on the schedule, and hit the "Find in Plan" button on the edit toolbar? If it's found on more than one floor you'll get a prompt to select which floor you want to find it on, so if it's hiding in the attic somewhere it should find it for you.


  13. tundra_dweller's post in Auto generated bullets/numbering in text box was marked as the answer   
    If you're using rich text and it does that you might try using "standard" text instead.
    Here's what I get when I copy/paste your text into the two different text methods:

  14. tundra_dweller's post in Window labels question was marked as the answer   
    @someguyThere are some macros in this thread that should help you out.
    @para-CAD Thats what I was always used to seeing too. There's probably a way to do it in Chief.
  15. tundra_dweller's post in Stairs clipping was marked as the answer   
    Are your stairs set to be open or closed beneath? It's strange they would be doing this regardless but might be worth seeing if it makes a difference.
  16. tundra_dweller's post in Video Card Issues was marked as the answer   
    I had the same experience when I upgraded to X13 last week, though my GeForce GTX 740 video card would get me through for another year before investing in a new PC. It turns out the shader model on my card is only 5.1 so it does not meet the 6.0 requirements. I found a GTX 1050 for a fairly reasonable price that I could get quickly. Installed that yesterday and everything is working great now.
    It looks like you are probably having the same experience with the GTX 770.
    Look at the "Graphics Features" section and it shows the shader model as 5.1. The shader model cannot be upgraded on a GPU.
    So the "Max Shader Model" info in the X13 video card status dialog is not necessarily accurate for the Nvidia 7 series GPU's.