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Posts posted by KilgoreTrout


     my colors are WAY WAY WAY off


    What's your definition of way, way off?  It could be a problem with lighting, materials, or even your video card.  Really can't even begin to make suggestions without more info.  I would recommend that you first post a picture of what you are seeing.  That way we can try and make more educated guesses.

  2. No one here will know the answers to those questions.  Even if you found another user who went through the same process, things may have changed or their situation could have been different in some way.  You should call customer service again and ask to talk to someone else.  Then let us know what the answers are.


    As far back as I can remember the transfer fee was only $50 if you sold a primary license.  It was always more for secondary or discounted licenses.  I don't really know how SSA figures into it.

  3. I think you are doing it right.  If you change the "dimension to this line" in the wall type, the program looks like it will dimension to the sheathing the way you want it. I could not see a case where this changed any interior walls.  I did see a couple of interior walls that were dimensioning to the drywall before the change though so maybe this is what confused you.  Try checking your dimensions before and after the change to see if you really are seeing something I did not.


    Also, I think you should check your spelling because I don't think you meant "girter truss".

  4. I am not seeing the problem you are seeing but I know the "auto change" setting will turn off this behavior.


    It probably has something to do with the "options" in the fan symbol.  If you use the open symbol tool on the fan and compare the options with what you have with a normal light, you might be able to figure it out.  I found that if I unchecked the option for "fan" that the fan then acted like a normal light and would change the switches into 3-way switches. All of the fan symbols that I checked in my library all had the "fan" option selected but maybe yours are different.

  5. You can't bend the stairs like you have shown.  They won't work that way.  If you want winders, you need to make a 90 degree curved stair section.  The line to arc tool might work for you. 


    Winders tend to be a bit tricky.  I recommend that you search the videos/help articles on "winders" for more help.

  6. Personally, I think all we need is a height and width setting and the ability to choose a library symbol if we want.  The library symbol could handle any cases where the block is anything more then a solid block.  We should have similar controls for the top corners too but maybe these only need one size since most would be square.

  7. Yes, it makes a difference.  V9.54 is pretty ancient by software standards.  If it doesn't have the make parallel tool for dimensions, then it's not going to be as easy.  You may be a able to set up a wall angle in your plan defaults to the same angle as the rafter or odd wall and get it to work.

  8. I thought Chief Interiors couldn't even build framing.  Are you saying that they let you dimension to it even though you couldn't build it?  I don't think very many people here are using Interiors so you are probably going to have to call tech support on this one.

  9. I have not had any problems with the library system and I have only seen a few posts about others who have.


    So you should contact tech support.  "I deleted one of the files and now all my library files are corrupted" is pretty vague and you will need to explain to them exactly what you did.  They should be able to tell you if you did something wrong.  They should also know if there is a real bug and whether or not  it has already been fixed.  They may know about the issue but not have enough info to fix it yet and you could help out with that. 


    Regardless, it should be pretty easy to get your libraries straightened out and they can even walk you through the process.  You may end up having to delete your core libraries and re-download them.  But even this is a relatively painless process.  Worst case scenario is that you have to delete and restore your user libraries from a backup.  Unless you never made any backups of your user libraries, then the worst case scenario is that you have lost them.

  10. There is the select same/load same tool but unfortunately it is not there for all objects (including stairs).  I also find it pretty clunky to use in practice.


    There is also the replace from library tool.  You can save a new object in the library and then replace the other objects in your plan with the library one.  Again, this is not available for stairs.


    I find that rather then change one object and then try to make the others match it that it is usually easier to group select them and change them all at once instead.

  11. That should not happen.


    Here's what I suggest:


    - check to see if your cabinets are very far from the plan origin (0,0).  The only time I have seen big problems with send to layout is when everything is way out in Timbuktu.

    - post your plan.  Someone can see if they get the same results.

    - send your plan to tech support.  It looks like a bug to me.

  12. If you turn off "hide terrain intersecting building", then your terrain will go through your foundation walls.  This may not be a problem in the plan you are working in, but if you had a basement then it would be a problem.  When I run into these problems, I manually create my own hole in the terrain.  I start with the room polyline for the exterior room, modify the shape as needed, and then convert it into a terrain hole.

  13. I could get a double awning window to give me a 6/2 lite configuration just by playing with the bottom size.  You may need to play with your sash and component sizes but you still might not be able to get the right lites with the exact component sizes you want.  I think you already nailed this when you said what we really need is to be able to adjust the number of lites in each component.  The auto adjust is a little bit wacky.  You should send in a feature request.
